
How to get rid of UTI in 24 hours? UTI treatment at home?

How to get rid of uti in 24 hours?

Today we are talking about what is UTI (urinary tract infection) Nowadays We apply sunscreen to protect our skin from burning in summer. But what about our health? Common bacteria can cause different types of inflammation when the temperature increases. Every year, more than 8 million people are treated for urinary tract infections, and research shows that this number rises during the summer. (Best Ways to Help Prevent UTI) A study found a 15% increase in diagnosed UTI cases when the temperature rises above 40 degrees.

UTI Home Remedies: Yellowish urine and severe pain during urination can be a sign of 'this' serious disease, these 5 remedies can help you.

UTI treatment at home : Due to increase in body heat and decrease in water content, problems related to urine occur. It also affects the kidneys and private parts. From rice water, amla juice, dhanyak heema, mint water to fennel water, there are many Ayurvedic remedies that can help you get relief from UTI (urinary tract infection).

A urinary tract infection is an infection that occurs in any part of your urinary system. In which include your kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters. If you are a woman, you are more likely to get a urinary tract infection. It is the second most common infection in the body. 1 in 2 women are at risk of getting this infection at least once, compared to 1 in 10 men.

Ayurveda expert says that finding the cause of the disease and taking measures to prevent it is the first step. They say that drinking less water, eating sour, spicy, sugary foods and consuming too much caffeine, carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate etc can lead to UTI (urinary tract infection). According to Ayurveda anything that increases pitta can cause UTI. So avoid those foods

Severe symptoms of UTII

In case of bladder infection you may experience frequent urination and pain while urinating. Pain in lower abdomen i.e. abdomen and retention of foam in urine is also one of its symptoms. A kidney infection can cause fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Urinary tract infection can cause discharge and burning during urination.

  • Burning and itching while urinating.

  • Frequent urination.

  • Feeling that the urine is half passed.

  • Sometimes passing blood in the urine.

  • Frequent passing of urine.

  • Chills and fever.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Abdominal pain and heaviness.

  • Nausea in the stomach.

  • Constantly feeling restless.

  • Change in color of urine.

How to get rid of uti in 24 hours?

Why do women get more urine infections? Here are the causes and remedies

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men. Female urethras are much smaller. This allows bacteria to easily enter the urine pipe. In such a case, some mistakes made while urinating can work to increase the problem.

If some things are not taken care of while urinating, it can be very dangerous for health. Especially women have to face this problem more. Some mistakes made while urinating can increase the problem of urine related infections. As this ratio is more in women, it causes many health problems.

According to Gynecologist women face many problems due to their body structure. Women have smaller urethras, which allows bacteria to easily enter the urethra. From a biomechanical point of view, this has a very bad effect on the female body. In such a situation, women who have to face the problem of urinary infections, have many other problems.

Aurvedic expert told The women go through various physical changes throughout their lives, including menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. All of these can affect urinary tract function. In such a situation, women need to change their habits while urinating and take special care of some things. So that they don't have to face any kind of problems.

1) Pay special attention while cleaning the private part

As expert said that when cleaning private parts, do not wipe from back to front. There is a lot of bacteria in your anus, if you wipe from back to front, these bacteria will come forward and enter your urinary tract. And this greatly increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection causes burning and pain in private parts in women.

2) Excessive wiping of private parts

It is necessary to wipe after urination to keep the private part dry. But overdoing it can get you into trouble. Doing so may cause burning and itching of the skin of the private part.

3) Timing of urination

Timing to urinate can be very dangerous. As a result, the bladder cannot store urine properly. Normally 450 to 500 ml of urine accumulates in the bladder. But if you urinate every half an hour, it accumulates very little urine in the bladder, so the bladder cannot function properly. And you keep getting the urge to urinate every time. There is no harm in going to pee before a long journey or watching a movie. But it is not good to do it regularly as a habit.

4) Retention of urine

The habit of urinating even when the bladder is not full is bad. But holding back when urinating is also a bad habit. This can cause you to face many problems.

5) Drink plenty of water

Drinking 2 to 3 liters of water a day is considered good for your health, if you exercise or it's summer you can drink more water. But there are many people who drink 6 to 7 liters of water a day. Which can have a bad effect on your health. You try to over hydrate yourself by drinking more water. Due to excessive consumption of fluids, the bladder starts to produce more urine. So you have to go to the toilet frequently.

Instant uti relief home remedyy

Follow this remedy you can get quick relief from urinary track infection

Rice water

Ayurveda doctors say that rice water works to relieve UTI symptoms like discharge, back pain, itching in private parts and abdominal pain. You can consume it anytime during the day. Remember that rice water can only be stored for 6 to 8 hours. So making clean and fresh rice water every day is the best option.

How to prepare - Wash a handful of rice once and cover it in a clay pot or stainless steel pot for 2 to 6 hours. Then soak the rice in water for 2 to 3 minutes. Then you can strain the water and drink it.

Grain snow keeps the body cool

Experts say that Dhanyak Hima is the coldest drink in Ayurveda. Consuming this removes the problem of pitta in the body. Which is the main cause of UTI.

How to prepare Dhanyak Hima - Soak crushed or ground coriander in water overnight or for 8 hours. The next morning, strain the water and mix it with some granulated sugar and drink it on an empty stomach.

Amla juice keeps immunity strong

Regular consumption of amla juice is good for health. Amla is rich in vitamin C which helps to boost immunity.

The following drinks also provide relief from UTI

Vetivar water, mint water, fennel water, coconut water, overnight soaked raisins and vegetable seeds have hydrating and have super cooling properties. Which helps in reducing the burning sensation during urination which is considered to be a major problem that all patients commonly face during UTI problem.

These Ayurvedic herbs provide relief in UTI




Guduchi (after fever in UTI)

Pashanbhed (after kidney stone in UTI)

Take special care of these things

Wear loose and cotton underwear and clothing. Also, it is always a healthy habit to urinate immediately after sex to prevent UTIs. Also drink enough water.

Special symptoms for men:-

1. Pain in lower back

2. Pain behind testicles.

The Institute of Medicine recommends women drink nine glasses of non-sugary fluids a day while men drink 13 glasses. For this, a water bottle should always be kept nearby. The entry of bacteria into the urinary tract should be limited. After going to the bathroom, wipe the area from front to back. If wet swimsuits are worn for long periods of time, bacteria will grow in the moist environment. So when you go swimming, pack a pair of shorts, wraps or skirts and change into them between pool breaks.

Note: This article is for general information only. It is in no way a substitute for any medication or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more details.

Ayurvedic treatment for UTI..!

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