
What foods neutralize stomach acid? 5 simple options home remedies

So today we are going to learn about How to cure acidity at home?

How to cure acidity permanently: Hyperacidity or excess production of gastric acid in the stomach is a serious problem that many people suffer from. This can cause symptoms like heart and chest burning, sour or bitter belching, nausea and burning sensation in the throat, and feeling unwell. Ayurveda doctors have given some reasons behind this problem and remedies to prevent it. 

Acid reflux cure home remedy

Hyper acidity is a serious problem that many people are suffering from. In common parlance, it is called Bile. Bile is essential for digesting food and for the proper functioning of the digestive system. But when bile is produced in excess, you may face many problems like acidity and acid reflux. There are some special symptoms of excess production of bile in the body i.e. Acidity

These symptoms include burning in the chest and heart, sour belching, and nausea. Burning in the throat, vomiting, gas in the stomach, feeling heavy in the stomach, stomach pain, chest pain, headache, bad breath or mouth, severe burning in the feet and hands, mouth ulcers, fatigue and dizziness, and itching all over the body. These symptoms include.

How can I avoid heartburn? 

Milk and fish

One of the biggest causes of excess bile in the stomach is the consumption of foods in the wrong combination. Wrong food combinations not only invite hyperacidity but can also cause other serious problems. You should never consume milk and fish together. This is a very wrong food combination. Apart from this, milk and salt should never be eaten together. If eaten, it increases your chances of developing hyperacidity.

Stale food

Many people wake up in the morning and eat leftovers or stale food for breakfast. The list of harms of eating stale food is quite long. But if you are one of those people, improve your habit. Stale food is not only bad for health but it can also cause acidity and food poisoning.

You may be surprised to hear that just as eating too much and too much can create bile, so too can it create bile if you eat less and skip a diet. Bad eating habits like eating irregularly, eating less or not eating at all, eating spicy and fried foods, and consuming fast food can lead to acidity. Do not eat such foods, especially at night.

Drinking beer and wine

If you are a beer and wine lover, you need to change this habit too. Experts say that if you drink too much beer and wine, as a result, bile increases in the body, and then acidity problems arise. If you've ever drank too much beer or wine, you've probably experienced this too. The next day you may be left with a sour belch. So avoid these things.

Packaged or frozen foods

If you are one of the frequent eaters of packaged or frozen food, you should avoid doing so. These things can cause gas in the stomach and increase acid production.

Sometimes acidity also increases due to tension or stress. Heartburn, severe stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, and headache are caused due to increase in acidity. Many people suffer from this all the time.

What is acidity? | what happens in body during acidity?

Acidity disorder is an excess of acid produced in our stomach. This acid is secreted in the stomach from the gastric glands and helps in the digestion of food.

This acid is essential for the digestion of food. But if it is secreted in excess, it can lead to acidity.

Acidity can be caused by always eating spicy food from outside, frequently eating fried food, smoking, drinking alcohol, using tobacco, and constant worry, and stress.

Acidity can also increase if some painkillers or antibiotics are taken or aspirin and joint pain medications are being used. When this acid is secreted in our stomach, our stomach ph level is 2 or 3.

Our body has an inner lining between these organs to protect the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum from this acid. Ulcers can occur when this lining is destroyed or damaged by excessive acid secretion.

Burning sensation in the chest or throat, heartburn, frequent regurgitation of bitter-sour water, feeling unwell, burning of the soles of the feet, severe belching, red rashes on the body, itching of the body, dizziness, feeling better after sour vomiting are the symptoms of increased acidity. 

If there is hyperacidity and if it is mistakenly ignored, this problem can also lead to stomach ulcers. 

Sometimes acidity can also have serious effects on the liver. Severe liver disease may occur.

A temporary remedy for acidity tablets is not useful. Drinking soda all the time, taking ENO, or taking an antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity also has serious effects on the body.

Taking antacids neutralizes the acid in the body, and reduces the acidity in the stomach. Acid reflux that occurs in the esophagus is reduced. But antacids reduce the activity of pepsin (an enzyme required for digestion).

Pepsin is produced only when there is enough acid in the stomach. This pepsin can also damage the inner lining of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum.

When we take an antacid on an empty stomach, the acid is reduced for only 20 to 40 minutes because the antacid dissolves rapidly in the duodenum.

When you take an antacid after a meal (usually 1 hour), the antacid reduces acid for at least several hours because the food in your stomach causes the antacid to slowly dissolve in the duodenum.

Therefore, while taking antacids, they should be taken on the advice of the doctor, because if they are wrongly combined with other medicines, the body may have to suffer serious consequences.

When a person has severe heartburn due to acidity. Doctors suggest taking antacids when stomach aches and nausea and vomiting occur.

These antacids are also of many types. So it is necessary to consult the doctor about which one is suitable for you and how many doses to take and for how many days. Self-medication is dangerous in any case.

If antacids containing calcium carbonate are taken in large doses and for several days, the acid rebound may occur. That is, more acid is produced after a meal. High doses of sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate together can cause milk-alkali syndrome.

Its symptoms are headache, nausea, irritability, and weakness. It also increases the amount of calcium in the blood and reduces kidney function. Also, if antacids containing aluminum are taken in excess, blood phosphate decreases.

This can result in muscle weakness, anorexia, bone loss, and loss of strength. Also, people who suffer from gastrointestinal bleeding (bleeding in the stomach) should not take antacids containing aluminum hydroxide without consulting a doctor.

People with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney problems, or those on a salt and sodium diet should be careful when taking antacids containing sodium or sodium bicarbonate.

Antacids should not be given to children under six years of age. The truth is that no one should take medicines on their own without the advice of a doctor.

If the problem of acidity is minor, this problem can be stopped by taking home remedies from grandma's purse. A little acidity can be cured with home remedies.

what are the symptoms of hyperacidity?

It can have many symptoms, they are as follows:-


Sore throat

Bad taste

Sour water in the mouth

Chest or chest burning and pain


Acute sore throat

Difficulty or pain in swallowing

Pain in the chest or upper abdomen

Black stool or blood in the stool

Frequent hiccups


Weight loss for no reason

What is the fastest way to neutralize stomach acid?

1. Basil leaves

Basil leaves have stomach-soothing properties. So the problem of acidity is reduced in a short time. If you feel even a slight burning sensation, immediately chew tulsi leaves or boil 3-4 leaves in a cup of water and drink the extract.

Basil is very beneficial for the body. If consumed regularly, it also reduces other physical problems happen

2. Fennel

Eating fennel after meals is a very good habit. It helps in better digestion. The problem of acidity is also reduced.

Drinking fennel tea or fennel tea can help keep your digestive system healthy. Fennel is a simple and effective remedy for indigestion and bloating.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a natural antacid. It helps to cure upset stomachs. it improves digestion and improves absorption of nutrients in the body. Cinnamon extract is useful if there is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract or suffering from acidity. Cinnamon has many nutritional values.

4. Fresh buttermilk

Fresh buttermilk is the nectar of the earth. If there is heartburn, fresh sweet buttermilk alone or saindha salt, or coriander finely chopped in it gives immediate relief.

If acidity is caused by eating spicy or pungent foods, buttermilk is a great remedy. Buttermilk works to reduce stomach acidity.

5. Jaggery

Jaggery contains a large amount of magnesium. It increases the strength of the intestines. Also, eating jaggery pieces at the end of a meal improves digestion.

Jaggery keeps our digestive system alkaline and balanced by reducing acidity. In summer, drinking Jaggery syrup helps in maintaining regular body temperature.

6. Cloves

Cloves have an important place in ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. Clove is effective for stomach disorders. Since cloves have carminative properties i.e. The property of not forming vata, and eating cloves does not cause gas problems.

If cloves are added while eating or preparing food, gas does not occur. Eating cloves and cardamom after meals also reduces the problem of acidity and is also effective against bad breath.

7. Cumin

My grandmother knew the properties of cumin who used to give ova and cumin decoction for stomach aches. Cumin is a very good acid neutralizer. It improves digestion and also reduces stomach pain.

If you add cumin powder to warm water and drink it or take cumin after a meal, stomach pain will be reduced.

8. Ginger

Ginger has many medicinal properties. Ginger is essential for digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. Chewing a piece of ginger or drinking ginger juice helps to neutralize stomach acid.

Ginger digestive is the best medicine for nausea, vomiting, and biliousness.

9. Cold milk

Drinking cold milk after acidity is a simple and effective remedy. Milk reduces stomach acid. Milk contains calcium. Since calcium is alkaline, it neutralizes acids. Those who are not allergic to milk can certainly do this simple remedy.

10. Apple cedar vinegar

Sometimes acid reflux can be caused by stomach acid. In such cases, taking apple cedar vinegar is beneficial.

For those suffering from this problem, drinking 1-2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water is beneficial in reducing acid production.

11. Beetroot water

By drinking the water of beetroot, the acidic level of the body decreases. It also produces the necessary mucus in the stomach.

This protects the stomach from excess acid production. Beetroot water improves digestion and reduces acidity.

12. Banana

Bananas contain natural antacids. Bananas act as a buffer in acid reflux. Bananas are also effective in improving digestion. If you suffer from mild acidity, eating bananas is an easy solution.

13. Use raw almonds

Another home remedy that helps in getting rid of acidity is raw almonds. Almonds are rich in natural oils that soothe stomach acid.

14. Eat mint leaves

Mint leaves can also help with indigestion or heartburn. They have pain-relieving properties that often neutralize acidity and indigestion. Peppermint helps reduce stomach acid and improves digestion.

Important notice: the information in this article has been given according to the studies and opinions of various experts as well as the health of the common man. The purpose of providing this information is to provide a basic introduction to the subject. Readers should consult a doctor, depending on their health, before taking any decision.

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