An allergy is a common health condition in which the body's immune system overreacts to a foreign substance or allergen, to which most people have no reaction. The severity of allergies varies from person to person and can be as mild as a rash to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening medical emergency. Most allergies cannot be cured, however, many treatments are available to relieve many symptoms.
What is allergy? signs of allergies
Allergy is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Allergy symptoms can be mild or even life-threatening in some people. Allergies were considered a rare disease at the beginning of the 20th century, but recently allergies have emerged as a growing health problem. Research shows that almost 20% of Europeans live in constant fear of an asthmatic or anaphylactic attack or even death. According to the World Allergy Association, approximately 10-40% of the population of any country is affected by allergic disorders. In person, allergies usually appear during their prime, due to which they lose a lot of their time. Even in India, the risk of allergies is on the rise. It has been reported that 20 to 30% of the total Indian population suffers from asthma, rhinitis, food allergies, eczema, urticaria, anaphylaxis, and enzymoedema allergies.
What is an allergy?
Allergy is a state of hypersensitivity of the immune system. It is a reaction of the body's immune system to a substance, which causes no harm to most people. In healthy people, the immune system fights against a germ, however, in people with allergies, the immune system overreacts even to a non-germ substance. People who have allergies are usually sensitive to one type of substance. Both environmental and genetic factors play important roles in allergic diseases.
Symptoms of Allergy & signs of allergies
Symptoms of different types of allergies include:
Dust allergy
Runny or stuffy nose.
Red eyes and watery eyes with itching.
Wheezing, cough with tightness in the chest.
Allergic rhinitis
Itching of eyes and skin.
Poor sleep due to nasal obstruction leads to tiredness and fainting
Skin allergies
Common symptoms of skin allergies are redness, itching, and swelling. There are some minor differences that can help diagnose certain skin conditions.
Eczema and contact dermatitis
People with eczema often have dry, itchy and flaky skin. In some people, if scratched, the infection in the blisters causes a discharge. In children, eczema can also affect the face, joints, and ears. Adults also get cuts in the same place and on the arms and legs. In infectious dermatitis, similar symptoms appear at the site of contact with an allergic hormone or metal.
In urticaria, the skin appears red and inflamed, and mountains of red bumps can appear there and on any part of the body. A condition called angioedema can occur, in which even the deeper layers of the skin can be affected. It can appear around the eyes, lips or cheeks. Sometimes, it can be in the genitals or inside the throat or even in the stomach.
Allergies to insects and pets
Symptoms of pet allergies are similar to dust allergies and appear after exposure to an animal. Symptoms of insect allergy are as follows:
Swelling of the face, lips, throat and tongue.
Difficulty breathing.
Itching and urticaria at the site of the bite followed by small blisters filled with pus-like material.
Nausea and vomiting
Stomach cramps.
Food allergies
Symptoms may appear before or several hours after eating.
They include red, scaly skin, rashes, nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea. In some people, food allergies can lead to a serious condition called anaphylaxis with the following symptoms:
Chest tightness.
Swelling of the tongue, throat and lips.
Tingling in hands and feet.
Treatment of Allergy
Treatment for allergies depends on the medical history, severity of symptoms, and results from allergy tests.steps as follows:
Avoid allergens
The best way to prevent allergies is to avoid or minimize exposure to the triggering agent. This reduces the need for medication as well as helps eliminate the source. Airborne allergen hormones can be reduced by regular nasal irrigation using "water nets" or squeeze bottles.
Anti-allergy medications such as antihistamines along with decongestants can help reduce the swelling associated with allergies. Antihistamines block histamine, a chemical released during the allergic reaction, thereby preventing a runny or stuffy nose. Decongestants reduce swelling by shrinking the inflamed nasal membranes. In skin complaints, corticosteroids stop the proliferation of plaques.
Resistance method
Immunotherapy is advised in some people. This includes people with pollen, pet, insect allergies and asthma. These treatments help reduce symptoms along with improving exposure and tolerance to allergens. Immunotherapy has not been proven to be helpful for food allergies, although there are many studies looking at its effectiveness.
Lifestyle management
Allergies are best avoided through proper management. Working closely with a doctor can help manage allergic reactions. Avoiding exposure to allergens can also limit occasions and sources of contact. If a person is at risk of a serious reaction, always have a companion epinephrine injection. It is the only remedy for severe allergic reactions and is given only when prescribed by a doctor. Where the person may have difficulty communicating, people with allergies are advised to wear a medical alert bracelet at the site of a severe reaction.
Home Remdies for get rid of allergies? Natural Home Remedies
1. Ginger
The health beneficial values of ginger are known to world since many years. This is a trusted remedy for allergies and also it is recommended by many physicians. In case of having any kind of skin allergy you can peel and crush a piece of fresh ginger. Now, place it into a mug and boiling water is pour over. Now, steep it for 5-10 minutes and have it at once. The formula is also mild decongestant.
2. Green Tea
Green tea is kind of tea which is most commonly used by various people. You can take three or four cups of green tea in a day without milk. Add honey as sweetening agent for your tea rather than sugar. Black tea is also a good remedy for treating allergies.
Home Remedies for Allergies
3. Potato
If by any reason you got the rashes on your skin, in that case you can melt 3 table spoon of potato flour and put it in a glass of water. Now, add this mixture to the bucket of water. After having bath with this water three times a day, you will get a deep relax. This is one of the best home remedies for allergies.
4. Chamomile
Chamomile is natural anti-histamine. Most of the people use it in tea to get rid of allergies. This is one of the best home remedies for allergies. For making this tea you can take one or two cups of chamomile tea on daily basis as it can relieve you from any types of allergies. However, people who are allergic towards ragweed should avoid consuming chamomile.
Treatment of Allergies
5. Treat Allergies with Garlic
Garlic is one of the popular treatments of allergies. It is helpful in treating high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and allergies. It is also a powerful antioxidant and it helps in preventing free radicals that causes cell destruction and premature aging. A person suffering from allergy should take garlic in his/her diet. It can also provide health benefits apart from allergies.
6. Treat Allergies with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is the oldest treatment for allergies. This can relieve in itching and hives. For treatment of allergies take warm water and dilute apple cider vinegar in it. Now, take a cotton bud and dip it in diluted solution. Apply the mixture with the help of bud on the hives and itching affected area. Another option is that you can also add this solution to your bathing water.
Allergies Cure
7. Cure Allergies with Thyme Tea
Thyme tea is an effective remedy for many sinus and cough problems. For making this remedy you need to take some boiled water. Now, add dried thyme herbs in the boiled water. Add few drops f honey in it and have it. It is an instant cure for allergy.
8. Cure Allergies with Honey
Honey is one of the well known natural products. This is also used various medicines because of its medical qualities. It has good potential to resist different allergies. It is the most recommended allergy cure. You should prefer taking raw honey in your cooking as it can toss the medical qualities of honey and also leaves good effect on your health.
Natural Treatment of Allergies
9. Treat allergies with Castor Oil
If you take 5 drops of castor oil with any fruit juice or vegetable juice or with plain water, you will find yourself free from skin allergies. This oil should be taken empty stomach in the morning. This Natural Treatment of Allergies provides benefits to intestinal tract, skin and nasal passages.
10. Quercetin
Quercetin is healthy and natural ingredient which is easily found in foods and drinks. This is a type of natural coloring which is found in skin of onions and apples. This element is also found in wine and tea. This is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and the best natural treatment for allergies. A person who is suffered by allergy is recommended to take about 500 mg of quercetin three times a day. It should be taken early morning empty stomach if you want to get the best benefits of it.
Allergies Diet
11. Banana Diet
For getting rid of allergies you should eat 2-3 bananas per day. It is helpful in curing consistent skin rashes, asthma and digestive disorders. This Allergic diet is good for patients if they want to stay away from the problems of allergies.
12. Lime Diet
Lime is natural and one of the best diets of allergy affected people. For making this remedy you have to take a lime and squeeze the juice of lime in a glass full of lukewarm water. If you want to make it sweeten you can add honey in it in place of sugar. Take this for few months in the morning. It is helpful in detoxify the body.
Avoidable Foods
Persons who are affected by allergies should not take caffeine drinks, such as coffee and soda, as well as alcohol. This is because these items contain many additives. These additives make your body unnatural and impure. These foods can lead to allergies. You should also stop eating processed food.