
How to reduce Headache naturally: causes, types, and treatment

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Nowadays, everyone from children to adults is facing the problem of headache. Many people have constant headaches. But, no matter how many remedies are taken, this headache does not go away easily. Often stress, gas, indigestion, colds, and insomnia cause headaches. Often, if the head starts to hurt, we apply oil on the head and massage it. However, the problem of headaches does not go away. But, some home remedies can help you get rid of your headache easily. So let's find out some home remedies that will help you get rid of your headache.

Are you suffering from headaches? Do this home remedy

  1. Drink plenty of water

Headache is often caused due to loss of water in the body i.e. dehydration. So, if you suddenly get a headache, drink a lot of water. Because drinking a lot of water can overcome the sudden headache.

  1. Mint

Mint is a medicinal plant. Peppermint is a great remedy for headaches. Peppermint contains menthol. Which is beneficial for opening the blood vessels in the brain. For this, mix a spoonful of olive oil with mint juice and apply the prepared paste on the forehead. This gives relief from headaches.

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  1. lemon

Often gas also causes headaches. In such cases, lemon is very beneficial. For this, take a glass of warm water and mix lemon juice in it. Drink this water. This immediately stops the headache and provides relief. If you have Saindhava salt in your house, add some Saindhava salt and consume it. This stops the headache immediately.

  1. Ginger 

Ginger is considered to be effective in relieving headaches. The headache immediately worsens. If there is swelling in the cells of the head, it helps to reduce the swelling. For this, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of ginger juice and consume the mixture. This relieves headaches. Also mix one spoon of ginger juice and two spoons of water and make a paste and apply the paste on the forehead. After this paste dries for a while, wash the forehead with warm water. This reduces headaches.

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  1. Cloves

Cloves are a great remedy for headaches. If you have a headache, heat cloves in a pan and wrap the hot cloves in a handkerchief. It reduces headaches and also feels fresh.

  1. Take a deep breath

Lack of oxygen can also be a cause of headaches. If this gives you a headache, go for a walk where you can get as much oxygen as possible. Or sit in a place where there are lots of trees. However, in a seated position, take a deep breath and release. This definitely reduces the headache.

  1. Ice Shake

Often the veins in the head are swollen. It also causes headaches. In such a case, shake ice on the neck of the ear and forehead. This reduces headaches.These are the common home remedies for Headache but if you want to learn in detail about headache, what is headache so lets deep and dive let's see 

What is a headache? Headache on top of head

A headache is a pain in any part of the head its also a headache on top of the head. Headaches can occur in one or both parts of the head. It can be located in one place or start from one point and move all the way around the head or vice versa.

A headache on top of the head can appear as a sharp pain, a throbbing pain, or a dull ache. Headaches can come on gradually or suddenly and can last from a day to several days.

Types of Headache

There are 2 types of headache

Primary headaches - These include tension, cluster, and migraine types.

Secondary pain – These include rebound and thunderclap, stress, caffeine, and many other types.

The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Tension headaches are caused by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaws. They are always related to stress, depression, or anxiety. You are more likely to get these headaches if you work too much, don't get enough sleep, miss meals, or consume alcohol.

Most people can feel better by making lifestyle changes, resting, or trying over-the-counter pain relievers.

Not all headaches require a doctor's consultation. But sometimes a headache can be a sign of a more serious problem. Let your doctor know if you have a severe headache or a sudden headache.

Prevalence of headache- According to Global Ear Headache, headache is the most common neurological disorder and the most frequent presenting symptom in general practice. 50% of the population experiences a severe headache at least once in a year, and more than 90% report having a headache in their lifetime. The mean migraine present prevalence is 18% and the estimated mean prevalence in the past year is 13%. 

The prevalence of childhood and adolescent migraine ranges from 7.7%. Tension-type headaches are even more common than migraines, with a prevalence of about 52%. However, only frequent or severe tension-type headaches are disabling. About 3% of the general population have chronic headaches, meaning headaches that last 15 days every month.


Symptoms of Headache

Headache symptoms do not require immediate medical attention. These symptoms include severe, pressure-like pain on both sides of the head, usually at the level of the eyebrows.

These headaches can occur frequently and appear at unexpected times. People who have this type of mild headache often recognize their headache triggers and symptoms because the pattern repeats itself with each episode.

Symptoms of headache are as follows:

1. Tension Headaches – Symptoms of these headaches include a tight or pressing, mild to moderate headache, which can occur on either side. The pain usually radiates from the neck and back of the head to both sides.

2. Migraine type of headache – This is characterized by moderate to severe throbbing pain on one side of the head. Symptoms of this headache include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

3. Cluster Headache - With a cluster headache, there is severe pain that is usually on one side and around the eye or head. A red eye on the face, a runny nose, and thickening or swelling of the eyelids may occur at the same time.

4. Rebound headache - This can cause neck pain, restlessness, stuffy nose, and reduced quality of sleep. Rebound headaches can cause a variety of symptoms, and the pain can vary from day to day.

5. Thunderscape Headaches – People experiencing sudden, severe headaches should seek immediate medical advice. It is often described as "the worst headache of my life".

Causes of headache 

A headache is caused by stimulation or injury to the headache sensations. Areas that can feel pain include the scalp, forehead, cranial veins, neck and head muscles, major arteries and veins in the head, sinuses, and tissue surrounding the brain.

Headaches can occur when this structure becomes constricted, ulcerated, stressed, inflamed, or irritated. Mild headache triggers are more common in people who suffer from headaches. Each person has their own patterns.

  1. Causes of primary headache:-

Primary headaches are the only disorders that result from pain-sensitive structures in the head, or from some disturbance thereof.

These include the veins, muscles, and nerves of the head and neck. They can likewise be brought about by changes in cerebrum science.

  1. Causes of Secondary Headache:-

Secondary headache symptoms occur when pain-sensing nerves in the head are stimulated by another cause. In other words, headache symptoms can be attributed to another cause.

A wide range of migraine headaches can occur for a variety of reasons. It includes:

  1. Alcohol-induced hangovers

  2. brain tumor

  3. Blood clots

  4. Bleeding in or around the brain

  5. Carbon monoxide poisoning

  6. Glaucoma

  7. chills

  8. Overuse of medications known as headache relievers

  9. Panic attack

  10. stroke

  11. stress

  12. Being very tired

  13. Too much Stress on the muscles of the head and neck

  14. hungry

  15. Hormonal fluctuations before, during, or after menstruation

  16. Symptoms are seen after withdrawal from alcohol, caffeine, or sugar.

While headaches can be a symptom of a serious condition, it is important to seek medical advice if they become more severe, regular, or persistent. How to Avoid Headaches

Headaches can be distressing and debilitating. Try to identify any behaviors that may trigger or contribute to your headache patterns.

  1. Medication:- When the medication taken for a long time is stopped suddenly, it may cause a headache. This is called a rebound or withdrawal headache. If you take more pain relievers, this cycle of headache-rebound-headache continues.

  1. Alcohol:- Heavy consumption of alcohol (binge drinking) can cause headaches and dehydration

  1. Nicotine:- Nicotine in tobacco products can cause headaches. Avoiding these products can reduce the number of headaches and greatly improve overall health.

What you eat and drink. If you get a headache, write down the food and drink before it starts. If you see a pattern over time, stay away from it.

  1. Eat regularly:- Do not skip meals

  1. Avoid Caffeine:- Too much caffeine in any food or drink can trigger a migraine. But suddenly cutting caffeine can also cause problems.So if they seem to be your headache triggers, gradually eliminate them


  1. Get regular sleep:- If your sleep habits are abandoned or if you are too tired, the chances of migraines can increase.

  1. Reduce your stress:- There are many ways to do this. You can exercise, meditate, pray, spend time with the people you love, and do whatever makes you happy. You can change some of the things that stress you, set a plan for it

Increase your energy. Eat at regular intervals, and don't allow yourself to become dehydrated

Diagnosis of headache 

When you have a mild headache with no severe symptoms, no test is needed. Blood tests are usually not helpful because the results are almost always normal unless other symptoms are present. 

Without any harm or injury, x-rays or CT scans are generally not necessary. In the case of a head injury, x-rays or scans are not always necessary. Physical examination of the headache is usually normal, with possible scalp or groin muscles.

If the headache is very severe, you need to consult a doctor, who will know and check your previous medical history and give you the right advice. From this information, the doctor will know what type of headache this is

See your doctor if you have these symptoms along with a headache

  1. If it is frequent and very severe
  2. If that pain keeps you up at night
  3. If the headache has a new pattern or change in frequency

A physician will usually be able to diagnose a specific type of headache by describing the condition, the type of pain, and the timing and pattern of attacks. If the type of headache appears to be complicated, tests may be done to rule out more serious causes.

Further testing may include:

  1. Blood tests
  2. x-ray
  3. Brain scans, such as CT and MRI


Treatment of headache

Recurrent headaches can be stopped by treating the underlying condition. When no other conditions are suspected, treatment should focus on pain relief.

When you're ready to start preventative treatment, your doctor will recommend:

Antidepressants - Tricyclic antidepressants - such as nortriptyline (Pamelor) may be used to treat chronic headaches. These medications can also help with depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders that often accompany chronic headaches. Other antidepressants, such as the serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine (Prozac, Serapham, others), can help treat depression and anxiety but have not been shown to be more effective than a placebo for headaches


Beta-blockers - These drugs, commonly used for high blood pressure, are the mainstay of preventing episodic migraines. Some beta-blockers include atenolol (Tenerermin), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol-XL), and propranolol (Indalal, Inopren XL).

Anti-seizure medications:- Some anti-seizure medications prevent migraines and can be used to prevent severe daily headaches. Alternatives include topramate (Topamax, Qudexy XR, others), divalproex sodium (Depakote), and gabapentin (Neurontin, Grealis).

NSAIDs - NSAIDs such as nasprocene sodium (Anaprox, Naperelion) - can be helpful, especially if you are withdrawing from other pain relievers, and can be used regularly when headaches are more severe


Botulinum toxin - OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) injections provide relief for some people and are a viable option for those who do not tolerate the daily medication well.

DIY Remedies to Reduce Headaches 

There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of headaches and reduce pain when they occur -

  1. Place heat packs or ice packs on your head or neck, but avoid excessive heat.

  1. Avoid stress, wherever possible, and develop strategies to make healthy alternatives to unavoidable stress.

  1. Take care to maintain stable blood sugar, and eat a regular diet.

  1. A hot shower can help, although in a rare case, hot water can trigger headaches in children. Regular exercise and adequate rest and regular sleep contribute to overall health and stress reduction.

Alternative treatment

There are many alternative treatments available for headaches, but it is important to consult a doctor before making any major changes or starting any alternative form of treatment.

These alternative treatments can be:-

  1. Acupuncture

  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  3. Herbal and nutritional health products

  4. hypnosis

  5. Contemplation

Whether all of these methods work has not yet been researched.

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