
Home remedies for Hemorrhoids | How do you treat hemorrhoids at home?

Home remedies for Hemorrhoids


Home remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are enlarged and aggravated veins in the lower rectum and anus. In short, they are called varicose veins in the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids can be internal (developing inside the rectum) or external (under the skin near the anus).

Hemorrhoids can have many causes, but the exact cause is often unknown. It may be due to straining during bowel movements or increased pressure on the veins of the rectum during pregnancy. Symptoms may include mild itching and discomfort (prolapse) depending on the severity of the piles. Treatment for hemorrhoids can range from simple lifestyle changes to eating a high-fiber diet and taking topical pain relievers, and in severe cases, surgery. Hemorrhoids are less prone to complications. However, untreated hemorrhoids can cause severe and burning sensations and can lead to thrombosis (clot formation) and ulceration (ulcers).

Hemorrhoids are not dangerous in normal cases, but they require treatment only when they are bothersome. If it occurs during pregnancy, it gets better automatically after the baby is born. If hemorrhoids are caused by constipation, changes in diet and lifestyle will definitely help. Surgical removal of hemorrhoids can also provide satisfactory results.

Explanation of what heorrhoids are? Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids 

Piles is a common disease that can be affect anyone. It is also called piles in medical terms. This disease affects the rectum and anus. If you want to know the causes of hemorrhoids, it is usually a disease caused by constipation. In this disease, defecation cannot be cleared due to which the veins of the rectum and anus become swollen and tumors are formed. These raised skin or nodules are painful and sometimes bleed. Hemorrhoids are of two types. First internal hemorrhoids which develop inside the rectum and second external hemorrhoids which develop outside i.e. under the skin around the rectum. Both of these can cause bleeding in the patient. In such cases, immediate medical treatment is required. Bleeding from hemorrhoids means that there is something serious going on in the rectum and anus.

Sometimes the problem gets better on its own but sometimes the problem can worsen if left untreated. Symptoms of piles include bleeding during bowel movements, itching or pain in the anus, constant urge to urinate, lumps around the anus or pain around the anus. Medications are available for bleeding hemorrhoids, but surgery may be necessary in some cases. However, there are also some home remedies for hemorrhoids, which can speed up healing and help reduce discomfort. The most important thing about this is that bleeding is not a symptom of hemorrhoids so it is very important to get checked by a doctor.

What is Piles ?

Hemorrhoids are a common health problem. This disease is not usually serious, but it is very distressing and affects the quality of life. A person's chances of developing hemorrhoids are not based on their age or gender. However, older people are more at risk. Hemorrhoids are mostly occur in developing countries. The fiber-free and high-fat diet consumed in Western countries causes stress and constipation, which is the root cause of hemorrhoids.

You need to understand that hemorrhoids are part of normal human anatomy. Hemorrhoids form a cushion of veins under the mucous membranes, which line the lower part of the rectum and the anal canal. It is only when these veins become swollen that symptoms appear, and we say that such a person has piles. These blood vessels have to constantly fight against gravity in the body to carry blood back to the heart.

Symptoms of Hemorroids

A primary symptom of hemorrhoids is a bright red stain on the toilet paper after a bowel movement or blood in the toilet. Such bleeding is usually painless and occurs only if the patient's bowel movements are too hard or too large.

  • Mucous discharge from the anus.

  • Itching, redness or discomfort around the anus

  • Feeling of stool in stomach even after stool

  • Pain during bowel movements

  • In prolapsed hemorrhoids, a soft grape-like lump protrudes from the anus.

  • External hemorrhoids can cause swelling, cramping, and discomfort in the middle, especially after diarrhea or constipation.

  • If external hemorrhoids are clotted, the lump is bluish or purple in color and painful, may bleed, and may appear suddenly on the anus.

  • If severe, problems such as profuse rectal bleeding, infection, prolapse of hemorrhoids, formation of anal fistula, and incontinence may occur.

  • Painful hemorrhoids Other painful bleeding conditions eg. Anal fissures are different from Crohn's disease, anal fistula, and colorectal cancer.

Importantce of using home remedies for treating hemorrhoids

Non-Incisional Treatment Options

If hemorrhoids cause only minor discomfort, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter cream, ointment, suppository, or pad. These products contain ingredients like hydrocortisone and lidocaine that provide immediate relief from pain and itching.

Minimal-incision treatment options

For persistent bleeding or painful hemorrhoids, minimally invasive treatment options are suggested. These procedures usually do not require anesthesia and can be performed in a doctor's office.

Rubber band ligation

One or two small rubber bands are placed around the root of the internal hemorrhoids, so that the enlargement of the enlarged hemorrhoids will cut the rubber bands. This way the hemorrhoids get smaller and fall off in about a week. Although this method works for many people, banding hemorrhoids can cause discomfort and bleeding after 2-4 days. It is rarely severe but sometimes leads to serious complications.

injection (sclerotherapy)

In this method, the doctor injects a chemical solution into the affected hemorrhoid. It shrinks the hemorrhoid fibers. This method involves little or no pain, but is more effective than rubber band ligation.

Coagulation (infrared, laser or bipolar)

This method uses laser or infrared light or heat. This causes the small bleeding internal hemorrhoids to harden and disappear. Despite some side effects of coagulation, hemorrhoid healing rates are higher than rubber band treatment.

Surgical treatment options

Surgery for hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidectomy. Haemorrhoidectomy is required for:

  • Third and fourth stage hemorrhoids

  • Stage II hemorrhoids, which cannot be cured without surgery.

  • Fibrous hemorrhoids.

  • Internal-external hemorrhoids, however, the definition of external hemorrhoids is clear.

The surgery is performed under local (with sedation), intravenous or general anesthesia. Surgery is the most effective treatment for acute and recurrent hemorrhoids. The patient can go home the same day and resume their routine in approximately 7-10 days.

Complications from surgery can include immediate difficulty emptying the gallbladder and can lead to urinary tract infections.

Hemorrhoid stapling (stapled hemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy)

As an alternative to hemorrhoidectomy, this procedure cuts off blood flow to the hemorrhoid tissue and is used only in internal hemorrhoids. It is less painful than hemorrhoidectomy, but has a higher risk of recurrence and prolapse of the rectum than hemorrhoidectomy. Also, bleeding, urinary incontinence, pain and, rarely, fatal blood transfusions such as sepsis occur. Be sure to discuss options that are right for you with your doctor.

Self care

Meeting bath

This method involves bathing the buttocks and groin in hot water, which also relieves itching in the rectum and the anal sphincter muscle. You can use a small plastic tub that sits on the commode or sit in a regular bathtub filled with a few inches of hot water. Taking a sitz bath for 20 minutes after each bowel movement 2-3 times a day helps. Afterwards, the rectum should be gently patted dry rather than forcefully wiped.

Apply ice pack

Applying an ice pack to the rectum can relieve swelling and pain.

Use a cushion/soft surface

Using a cushioned/soft surface to sit on rather than a hard surface can help reduce swelling of the extremity. It also stops new hemorrhoids from forming.

Medicines readily available

Using a readily available hemorrhoid ointment with a local anesthetic provides pain relief and has no harmful side effects.

raise the leg

If you sit on a western-style commode, try to keep your feet slightly elevated by placing a stool. It changes the position of the rectum and facilitates the passage of stool.

Take a sitz bath

You can reduce pain and swelling in the anal area by taking a sitz bath. For a sitz bath, fill a tub with hot water and add betadine liquid to the lid and sit in the water for a while. You can likewise add a little epsom salt to the water.

Use wet wipes

Never use toilet paper while going to the toilet. It can be rough and annoying. Use wet wipes instead. Remember that they should be odorless.

Use cold packs

In fact, when you have hemorrhoids, it hurts a lot whenever you have to go to the toilet. You can use cold packs to relieve this pain and reduce swelling. For this, fill a bucket with cold water and sit in it for 20 minutes at a time.

Increase water and fiber intake

Drink a lot of water over the course of the day to keep away from clogging. Attempt to remember fiber-rich food varieties for your eating regimen, like entire grains, vegetables, and new organic products.. These can help relieve constipation and cleanse the stomach through bowel movements.

Be physically active

You should understand that hemorrhoids are caused by constipation and constipation is caused by poor diet and lack of physical activity. So to stay away from both these issues you ought to do normal activity, running and other proactive tasks.

Explanation of common causes of hemorrhoids 

It can be difficult to say exactly what causes hemorrhoids. This can be caused by increased pressure in the blood vessels near the anus. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by constant straining and straining to defecate. Constipation occurs due to lack of fiber in the diet and straining during defecation. Following are some causes of hemorrhoids –

Increased weight

Above 45 years of age



Hemorrhoid symptoms often resolve within a few days without treatment. Piles during pregnancy can be cured after giving birth. But to reduce the stress on the blood vessels inside the anus, the following lifestyle changes are necessary –

Gradually increasing the amount of fiber in the diet – fruits, green leafy vegetables, lettuce, pulses, dry fruits etc. Foods are sources of fiber.

Drink plenty of fluids, plenty of water. Do not consume tea and coffee in excess. Avoid drinking alcohol.

Do not delay going to the toilet after feeling the urge to defecate. Doing so can make bowel movements hard and dry and may require straining.

Some drugs (eg: codeine pain relievers) cause constipation. Taking such medicines should be avoided as much as possible.

Weight should be under control.

Ordinary activity - It forestalls blockage, brings down pulse and helps in weight reduction..

These changes reduce the risk of hemorrhoids developing or recurring. Applying medicine prescribed by your doctor near and inside the anus can help reduce the severity of your symptoms and make bowel movements easier. .

If your hemorrhoid symptoms are more severe, there are many treatment options available

Main reasons of Causes of Piles:

It can be difficult to say exactly what causes hemorrhoids. This problem appears to occur when the pressure in the blood vessels near the anus increases. Blood vessels swell and swell due to increased pressure.

Certain factors can increase the risk of hemorrhoids –

  • Excess weight or obesity

  • Lack of fiber in the diet and therefore constant constipation.

  • Chronic diarrhea

  • Continuous lifting of heavy objects

  • Persistent cough or frequent vomiting

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Bleeding in pregnancy often stops after the baby is born.

Being above 45 years of age. As we age, the muscles, blood vessels and many other supporting elements of the body weaken and the risk of hemorrhoids increases. .



Including fiber in the diet helps to ease bowel movements.

Drink plenty of water daily. About 2 to 2.5 Ltr. It is necessary to drink water.

Medicines: Applying temporary numbing ointments to the area before and after defecation will not cause pain during defecation. Less contraction of the muscles around the anus

Your doctor may prescribe these ointments to help reduce swelling.

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