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Today is interesting topic is Hiccups, I remember One of the Bollywood movie of Actor Rani Mukharji her movie name is Hichaki! This is the Hindi name of Hiccups.
So this fun part was on hiccups but now we are going to discuss Hiccups and questions related as follows:
Hiccups meaning in Hindi
How to stop hiccups Fast home remedies
How to stop hiccups Fast home remedies
How do babies get hiccups
How to stop newborn baby hiccups?
Can hiccups be a sign of something serious?
Hiccups can have many causes, some are physical and some are psychological. If hiccups last for more than 3 hours then follow Ayurvedic methods.
Everyone gets hiccups at one time or another. Sometimes it disappears without any effort. Sometimes hiccups can be caused by eating something spicy, eating too fast, drinking alcohol and so on. But sometimes they start suddenly and we sometimes jokingly say that it is a sign that someone is missing you or thinking about you.
Although hiccups are basically caused by an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, a muscle that plays an important role in breathing and which separates your chest from your stomach. these involuntary contractions cause your vocal cords to close briefly, causing a hoarse sound.
Drinking water is advised when hiccups occur. it's not believable but it really works on Hiccups and Hiccups can stop. But when nothing works, you can resort to the Ayurveda method.
Hicupps meaning in Hindi
बहुत से लोगों का यह सवाल होता है। आप भी कभी न कभी गिरे होंगे। यदि आप पहले से ही उत्तर जानते हैं तो बेहतर है। अगर नहीं, तो आइए जानें। हिचकी तब शुरू होती है जब हवा अचानक मुंह में प्रवेश कर जाती है और स्वर तंत्र में प्रवेश करती है। इस स्थिति में आपके गले में स्थित वोकल कॉर्ड्स जल्दी से बंद हो जाते हैं और कर्कश आवाज आने लगती है। तो यह है उचकी की सामान्य प्रक्रिया! हिचकी के बाद घबराने की कोई बात नहीं है क्योंकि हिचकी अपने आप रुक जाती है।
Many people have this question. You too must have fallen at some point. Better if you already know the answer. If not, let's find out. Hiccups start when the air suddenly enters the mouth and enters the vocal tract. In this condition the vocal cords which are located in your throat close quickly and the sound of hoarseness starts. So this is the general procedure for hiccups! There is no reason to panic after hiccups as hiccups stop on their own.
How to stop hiccups in fast home remedies?
Take a glass of boiling water and add one spoonful of cardamom powder to it. After 15 minutes strain the water and drink warm water.
Take a spoonful of sugar and eat it slowly to get rid of hiccups.
Take some black pepper powder and inhale it. Inhaling black pepper powder can cause a person to sneeze. Sneezing stops hiccups.
Give children a spoonful of sweet curd to get immediate relief from hiccups.
Take a small piece of fresh ginger and bite it slowly.
Hiccups can be stopped by swallowing water or gargling.
Suryanamaskar and Pranayama are two yoga poses that are very helpful in getting relief from hiccups.
Read more about Headache home remedies
How do babies get hiccups?
This is the most important thing to know about why babies have hiccups even after a lot of research on these symptoms didn't get proper answers on this topic. Being a parent is definitely not as easy as it seems. After accepting the responsibility of a small baby, it should be fulfilled properly.
Since a small baby cannot speak, he is hungry, sleepy, stomach aches, many things are expressed through his gestures and crying. One has to recognize these signs of a newborn baby and take care of it.
Often the baby suddenly gets hiccups while crying or being fed. In fact, hiccups are a common symptom of a young baby. That is why parents should be able to take care of the baby without fear at such a time. For this, know why baby hiccups and what to do in such a case.
Causes of hiccups in babies
A young baby may have hiccups while eating, drinking, or laughing. It is said that the baby actually starts hiccups while still in the womb. After pregnancy, the baby starts having hiccups in the second trimester i.e. from the fourth month itself.
So there can be many reasons for hiccups in a baby. As such, the growth and development of the baby is not complete. This causes the baby to regurgitate food through the esophagus during feeding, which can cause hiccups.
Drinking milk or water from a bottle causes his stomach to bloat, which can cause hiccups. If the number of proteins in the milk increases, the baby may get hiccups due to swelling of the esophagus, due to the lack of proper development of the baby's lungs, the baby may get suffocated and get hiccups.
If the baby laughs too much, the breathing process may be obstructed and the baby may get hiccups.
How to stop newborn baby hiccups?
Hiccough is normal and can happen at any time. There are many reasons for hiccups. We take many measures to stop hiccups. Drink water or try other remedies. However, frequent hiccups are a disease. If the hiccups do not stop even after the usual remedies, it is useful to take a doctor's advice. Even small children suffer from it. However, it is important to know what causes them to suffer. (know-about-home-remedies-for-child-hiccups)
There is a belief in Indian society that when you get hiccups, some loved one is missing you. Another belief is that if a child has hiccups, it means the child has gas or indigestion. In such a situation, the child suffers more. Sometimes it becomes a big problem too.
No concrete reason for hiccups can be given. But, whether it starts or stops depends on many things. A sudden contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm causes a hiccup-like condition. In this case, hiccups can be stopped with many home remedies. Today we will see how...
Use gripe water
You can cure hiccups in children with the help of gripe water. Grape water contains a mixture of many herbs like fennel, lemon, and ginger. Which can easily overcome Uchki. By using this, the air in the stomach can be easily expelled. Add one teaspoon of gripe water to half a cup of water and give it to the child.
Use honey
Honey has been used in Ayurveda for many years. Many serious diseases can be overcome due to its use. Using honey can easily stop hiccups in babies. For this, mix one to two teaspoons of honey with warm water and give it to the child to drink. This will also keep the child's digestive system healthy.
Can Hiccups be a sign of something serious
What is chronic hiccups?
Hiccups that last for more than 48 hours are called chronic hiccups. The diaphragm is a large sheet of muscle. A sudden shock causes the vocal cords to close, resulting in a hissing sound. While everyone gets hiccups, severe chronic hiccups are rare and require medical treatment.
What are the main signs and symptoms of this?
The biggest symptom is itching. Apart from this, prolonged hiccups also cause other symptoms such as:
Inability to eat and drink.
weight loss
What are the main reasons for this?
The causes of hiccups can be different. But if one is suffering from hiccups for a long time, the reasons may be as follows:
- Nerve disorders.
- pregnancy
- Result of recent anesthesia.
- Stomach or abdominal surgery.
- Stomach, bowel, liver or diaphragm problems.
- drinking
- Cancer.
- Pneumonia or pleurisy.
- Multiple sclerosis or other central nervous system problems.
- Psychological problems such as stress or anxiety.
How is it diagnosed and treated?
Diagnosis of chronic hiccups is very easy and can be done immediately. A detailed history and physical examination will be sufficient to make the diagnosis. However, some imaging studies may be necessary to determine the underlying cause or even an associated problem. A doctor may order imaging tests, such as a chest or abdominal X-ray, to find the cause.
Depending on the patient's condition, treatment is as follows:
Medication with chlorpromazine, baclofen, or valproic acid.
Treating the causes of hiccups.
Use of muscle relaxants and tranquilizers.
Surgery to stimulate the vagus nerve.
Anesthesia of the phrenic nerve attached to the diaphragm.
Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or hypnotherapy.
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general knowledge and 'Hindustan Times Marathi' does not confirm it. Consult an expert before adopting.