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What is angina? |
Angina is a physical disorder that can manifest as mild or severe pain. As frightening as chest pain is, it is associated with heart attacks and many heart diseases. However, if the pain is not relieved by over-the-counter medications, a medical professional should be consulted. An important thing to note is that apart from the heart, the chest also contains organs and muscles related to the stomach, lungs, pancreas, gall bladder, ribs, nerves, skin, and many other structures. However, Angina can also be in the structure mentioned above. Most of the time your chest pain will get better on its own, but if it doesn't it is very important that you get yourself diagnosed by a doctor. Doctors find the underlying cause and treat you with medications, lifestyle changes, or surgery if needed.
Symptoms of Angina
As mentioned above, the type of chest pain you may experience comes in many forms. In addition to chest pain, you may also experience the following symptoms.
Tightness or severe pain in the chest area
Chest congestion
Pain radiating to neck, jaw, and arms
The feeling of pressure in the chest area
Increased heart rate and speed
Shoulder pain
Palpitations, loud and irregular, as if nervous,
Fever, cold
Coughing with yellow-green sputum or mucus
Shortness of breath
Feeling dizzy or sometimes dizzy
Fatigue despite physical activity
What causes angina?- Signs of heart attack
Decrease in the negative flow of blood in the arteries: One of the major reasons can be that there is a decrease in the negative flow of blood in the arteries due to which the heart does not get enough oxygen and nutrition.
Blockage in the arteries or high blood pressure: Torn occlusion or depression in the arteries can lead to blockage in the arteries due to which blood cannot reach in time and can cause angina. High blood pressure can also cause angina by putting excessive pressure on the walls of the arteries.
Presence of heart diseases: In the context of certain heart diseases, such as epigastric pain (angina), heart block, etc., angina may occur.
Smoking: Consumption of tobacco or cigarettes can cause narrowing of the blood vessels and this can cause blockage in the arteries, which can lead to angina.
Improper diet and lack of physical activity: Improper diet, which is high in fat, fried foods, and high in sugar, and lack of physical activity can be the predisposing factors for angina.
These causes may make the origin of angina possible, although it is not certain that all angina patients will have one of these causes. Therefore, it will be necessary to consult a doctor and get special tests done so that the exact cause and treatment can be determined.
Angina symptoms in women?
Symptoms of angina in women can be the following:
Chest pressure or pain: Women with angina may experience chest pain or pressure. This pain is often felt as a cottage cheese-burning sensation and may radiate to the left arm, arm, neck, jaw, or lower back.
Difficulty in breathing: Women may experience difficulty in breathing during angina. This can reduce the heart's ability to deliver enough oxygen, causing a feeling of breathlessness.
Fatigue and unusual tiredness: Symptoms of angina in women may include experiencing fatigue and unusual tiredness. It usually occurs suddenly and without any physical event.
Small, bare burning in the eyes: Some women may experience small, bare burning in the eyes at the time of angina. This may manifest as burning, puckering, or stinging in the eyes.
Symptoms in other parts of the body: Symptoms of angina in women may include pain in the left arm, arm, neck, jaw, or back, temporal constancy, syncope, or fainting. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor so that proper diagnosis and treatment can be obtained.
Can you get rid of angina naturally? Home remedies for angina
Angina home remedies / left side chest pain home remedies / left side chest pain
Onion juice, lemon juice, and honey
Onion is very useful for health. Onion has an important antimicrobial property. This ingredient present in onion helps in clearing the chest infection. If there is a pain in the chest, then you must eat onion. To apply this onion remedy, take the juice of one onion and one lemon in equal proportion. After this, pour this mixture into hot water and add honey to it. And take this mixture three to four times a day. It improves digestion and reduces chest pain.
Garlic and milk
Angina home remedies / left side chest pain home remedies / left side chest pain
Garlic and milk
If there is pain in the chest, crush three to four cloves of garlic and boil a cup of milk on gas and add crushed garlic to it and boil the milk and garlic and drink the milk do not strain and drink this milk but chew crushed garlic cloves and eat it. Certainly less.
Turmeric warm milk
Angina home remedy - turmeric milk
Turmeric milk
Turmeric has antibacterial properties and turmeric is an effective home remedy for many ailments. Add one spoonful of turmeric to one cup of hot milk and boil the mixture. After boiling well, drink this mixture while still warm. It removes or thins the phlegm in the chest and relieves chest pain. By doing this for four to five days, our troubles disappear.
Take a thick pillow under the chest
If you have chest pain due to gas, taking a thick pillow under your chest and lying down will help the gas to get out of the body quickly, because if there is a lot of gas, it will cause chest pain, so sleeping like this helps the gas to get out of the body and after a while slowly Angina stops.
Apple cider vinegar
Angina home remedies / left side Angina home remedies / left side chest pain Angina home remedy – apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar available in the market apple cider vinegar helps in the digestion of the food we eat. This vinegar does not cause stomach problems like bile, or gas and if you have Angina due to these reasons, drinking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar will relieve the Angina. Apple cider vinegar is also a great remedy for Angina.
Massage with warm oil
Angina home remedies / left side chest pain home remedies / left side chest pain
Massage with warm oil
If there is a lot of pain in the chest, the easiest and best remedy for it is a light hand massage by lying on the bed and massaging the upper part of the back with light hands. By doing this, the pain in the chest is reduced to a great extent. And massaging relaxes tight muscles and improves blood flow, thereby relieving chest pain.
If the cause of Angina is bile, take a teaspoon of baking soda in warm water. Taking soda with warm water immediately stops chest pain and provides relief as it suppresses bile. Baking soda reduces pitta and automatically cures chest pain. In this way, we can get rid of our troubles.
Aspirin pill
Pain in the left side of the chest/aspirin tablet
Taking an aspirin tablet with water gives immediate relief from Angina and is the best remedy if you want to reduce Angina in a short period of time. However, if any pain is felt more or there is any other problem, then without ignoring it, you should seek medical advice immediately.
Ice / cold pack
Angina also occurs if the chest muscles are strained. Even if you have done too much exercise or too much movement of the body or you are very tired due to the workflow, if the muscles start to hurt and the chest hurts, then taking an iced shake is very beneficial and you will get relief from the problem. We can also call it a cold pack. You can also prepare this cold pack at home. Everyone usually has ice in the freezer, so take four to five big pieces of this ice, wrap it in a cotton cloth, and rub it on the sore chest for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This relaxes the tight muscles and relieves chest pain.
Drink hot water
If there is a pain in the chest, take more hot water. Hot water releases gases and phlegm from the chest and relieves Angina and discomfort. Hot water works as a remedy for many ailments, so if you feel any discomfort, cooling it down with hot water and drinking it little by little will provide relief.
Along with the above remedies, regular exercise is the best remedy to control any disease. So, if you have occasional chest pain, you should do regular light exercise, pranayama, sun salutation, and deep breathing before the chest pain, it will help you a lot.
All of the above remedies should be done if the chest pain is mild in the primary form, but feels like trouble if it is present or in excessive amounts, expert advice, medical advice, and pharmaceutical treatment must be sought.
How can you tell the difference between angina and chest pain?
The following elements can be taken into consideration to identify the difference between angina and chest pain:
Location of pain: Angina pain is often felt in the center of the chest and does not radiate to other parts of the body such as the arms, hands, neck, jaw or back. Chest pain can be caused by many other reasons and the location of the pain can vary.
Related to physical activity: Angina pain is usually associated with a physical program or physical activity, such as exercise or physical stress. Conversely, chest pain can be caused by many other reasons that do not involve physical activity.
Companion symptoms: Angina is often accompanied by companion symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, increased or abnormal heartbeat, and mental tension. Other causes of chest pain do not show such companion symptoms.
Symptom sensitivity and location: Angina pain is usually relieved by cessation of physical activity or rest. Nevertheless, other causes of chest pain may also benefit from rest.
When to visit a doctor?
See a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms. If you are very unwell, take a family member or friend with you or call a doctor.
If you have pain or severe pain in the chest area with pressure or tightness
If the pain radiates to the neck, jaw, or left side
If you have trouble breathing
Sudden severe pain, which does not go away even with the medicines prescribed by your doctor
Dizziness, fear, profuse sweating for unclear reasons, confusion
If the chest pain does not subside
If the pain does not go away even with lying down or leaning forward
If you have very low or high blood pressure
If you have a cough with yellow-green mucus along with fever or chills
Treatment of Angina
Treatment for Angina depends on the underlying cause and includes medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes.
Medicines that reduce pain and inflammation
If the underlying cause is inflammation of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, rib cartilage, and other internal structures, the doctor may prescribe pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications.
Antibiotics and antifungal medications are prescribed if the underlying cause of chest pain is an infection. As the infection subsides, your pain will subside. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are given along with antibiotics to reduce swelling and pain, pancreatitis, shingles, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), etc.
Antiplatelet drugs
These drugs are used if the underlying cause is blockage of blood vessels due to blood clots. This prevents blood clots and prevents clots. For example aspirin blood
Diluting drugs
Thinning drugs known as anticoagulants stop blood clots from forming. If clots have already formed, they control their growth.
Medicines that dissolve blood clots
They are also known as thrombolytic agents. These dissolve the clots in the coronary arteries. Eg. Heparin, warfarin, etc.
Drugs for the heart muscle
Digitalis increases the efficiency of the heart muscle and helps the heart to pump blood at a higher pressure.
A. C. Etc. (ace –angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors
These drugs stop the production of angiotensinogen by blocking the action of ace. Angiotensinogen narrows the blood vessels. Inactivation of these hormones results in low blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. It helps increase the heart's ability to pump blood.
These drugs reduce blood pressure and workload on the heart.
Nitroglycerin or nitrates
It relaxes the muscles lining the blood vessels and relieves Angina.
Calcium channel blockers
These drugs work similar to nitroglycerin and reduce Angina by lowering blood pressure.
These drugs help control blood pressure by reducing the amount of fluid and salt in the body. Hence, they are also called "waterpills". These drugs also reduce the risk of heart attack by reducing the work load on the heart.
Cholesterol control drugs
These drugs lower levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol. Medications are also helpful in reducing coronary artery blockages.
What is angina?
Angina is a heart disease in which there is insufficient ventricular flow of blood in the arteries supplying the heart. Due to this, the flow of blood does not reach in sufficient quantity in the arteries and there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which prompts the muscles of the heart to move. Its main symptom is Angina at the time of heart disorder, which can be aggravated by palpitation.
What are the types of angina?
There are three main types of angina: stable temporary angina, high-risk temporary angina, and muscular pain syndrome. Stable temporary angina occurs for short periods of time and transient angina occurs for short periods of time or with vigorous physical activity. Muscle pain syndrome can be very severe and is considered a type of temporary angina.
What can be the causes of angina?
The main causes of angina are:
Blockage in the arteries or high blood pressure
Presence of suspected heart disease, such as epigastric pain or heart block
Smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, disordered diet and lack of physical performance
How is angina treated?
Angina can be treated through appropriate medical care, medications, and lifestyle changes. Medical care may include prescription drugs, exercise to be prescribed by a cardiologist, a balanced diet, nerve operations, and methods such as nerve arming.
What can be the symptoms of angina?
Symptoms of angina may include the following:
The feeling of pain, pressure, or heaviness in the chest
Experiencing pain in other parts of the body as well, such as the left arm, shoulder, groin, or pelvic region
Difficulty breathing or feeling short of breath
Feeling tired, dizzy, nauseated, or nauseated
What are the restrictions to avoid angina?
The following measures can be adopted to avoid angina:
Eat a healthy diet and eat heart-friendly foods
Exercise and engage in regular physical activity
Stop smoking and tobacco use
Do meditation and relaxation practices to reduce stress
Take medications regularly and follow up with medical care
What to do during angina?
You can take the following steps during angina:
Rest and sit or lie down
Dial 911 or call the emergency number in your area
Take medications as directed, such as nitrates
Use neural weapons, if you already have the recipe
Seek medical care on the advice of your doctor
How serious can angina be?
Angina can be an indicator that your heart is getting insufficient oxygen. If it is ignored and not treated at the right time, it can lead to a heart attack or heart infection. Therefore, angina should be taken seriously and a doctor should be consulted to check the symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, and other heart diseases.
Foods to avoid with angina
With angina, it is recommended to abandon the following diets:
Fried and Fried food: Fried and fried food like fried food, chips, pakoras, samosas, etc. contain a lot of oil which can be harmful to you.
Fried and Spicy Foods: Fried fish, mutton, chicken and fried vegetables contain more oil and spices which can be harmful to you.
Fast-cooked and boiled food: Fast-cooked and boiled food such as noodles, Maggi, rice, pasta, soups, etc contain more flour and salt which can be harmful to you.
Fast-cooked and hard-boiled eggs: Limit fast-cooked and hard-boiled eggs, as they can be high in cholesterol, which can be bad for you.
Too much salt: Eating too much salt can be bad for you, as it can increase blood pressure and affect heart health.
Fried sweets: Fried sweets such as jellies, pastries, dishes, and restaurant sweets can be high in flour, sugar, and oil which can be harmful to you.
The answers given here can be of help to you based on common sense, but please note that it is not a substitute for the rest of your medical advice and expert advice. You must consult your doctor if you have any problems related to angina.