
Natural pack for glowing skin | Home Remedies Treatment

Natural pack for glowing skin
Natural pack for glowing skin

You can easily prepare this natural face pack (Homemade Face Packs) through the ingredients available in the kitchen to make your sensitive skin more radiant. 

Moreover, it does not have any side effects compared to external artificial products. So this face pack is very safe to use.

Homemade Face Packs: These natural face packs will be beneficial for glowing skin

Nowadays, the effect of increasing pollution, hectic life, wrong habits, lack of healthy diet, etc. can easily be seen on the body as well as on our skin. 

Who doesn't want smooth and glowing skin? Everyone wants to have glowing skin on their face naturally. For this, a lot of money is spent on external synthetic products. But there is a risk of side effects on the skin due to synthetic products. 

Since everyone's skin properties are different, naturally, external chemical factors can cause skin rashes, red spots, skin burns, etc. But you can prepare a natural face pack at home using some ingredients in your kitchen.

How can I make my face glow naturally?

The first natural remedy for glowing skin

Coconut milk- The first natural remedy for glowing skin is coconut milk. Most of us must include coconut milk to enhance the taste of cooking. But it also has cosmetic benefits.

Ingredients - Fresh coconut milk : three spoons, gram flour : two spoons, turmeric : pinch

Mix two tablespoons of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric and coconut milk in a clean bowl. Mix all the ingredients well until a thick paste is formed.

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How to remove face pack

After the face pack is prepared, apply it on the face and neck. Apply the face pack for 15 to 20 minutes.

After the pack dries, take some rose water on your palms and apply it on your face. This will help in removing the face pack easily.

After applying rose water, massage the face in a circular motion and wash the face with cold water.

(Read more- Get rid from acne scars at home)

Panacea face pack for beautiful skin

Ingredients: Cucumber – two slices, potato – two slices, honey – one spoon, and rose water – one spoon.

First, wash the potato and peel it. Now divide the cucumber and potato along with the peel in the mixer bowl. Mix one spoonful of honey in this paste. Finally, mix one spoon of rose water and prepare the face pack.

Method of applying face pack

Wash your face before applying the pack. After this apply the pack on the face for 20 minutes. After the face pack dries lightly, rub it with your hands and remove it. Do not rub the skin vigorously.

Remove the face pack by massaging the face in a circular motion. Scrubbing will help remove dead skin from the face. This will exfoliate the skin well and give you a glowing face without makeup.

(Use this homemade face pack to get a rosy glow on your cheeks, the skin will be smooth and beautiful)

Benefits of Cucumber-Potato Face Pack

Cucumber cools the skin and helps reduce stress. These properties work to keep the skin hydrated by eliminating the lack of water in the cells.

Potatoes contain several nutrients including iron and potassium. This makes the skin healthy and glowing. It also helps in reducing acne, acne scars, and wrinkles on the face.

Remember this too

Apart from applying a face pack, other things need to be taken care of to keep the skin beautiful and healthy.

  • Consuming a nutritious diet

  • Preventing water deficiency in the body

  • It is necessary to exercise regularly for at least 20 minutes

  • Use fewer makeup products

  • Remove face makeup before going to bed

Which face pack is best for glow?

Natural face pack

It is equally important to apply regular face packs on the face to cool the face and provide proper nutrition to the face.

Read – Also Reduce acne Tips

Gram flour and milk

To make gram flour and milk face pack, mix four to five spoons of gram flour with three to four spoons of milk and one spoon of honey to make a fine paste. 

Apply this face pack on your face and wash your face with cold water after twenty minutes. Gram flour and milk will make your skin look smoother and honey will make your skin soft. 

You can apply this face pack once a week. You can apply this face pack regularly as the materials required for this are easily available at home.


If you are in a hurry and don't have time at all to prepare a homemade face pack, then honey can be a great solution. For this, apply an even layer of honey on the entire face. 

Clean up with cold water following twenty minutes. Make sure that the honey is from a good company as adulterated honey is also sold these days. 

Due to the anti-bacterial properties of honey, skin rashes and pimples do not occur. Moreover, honey keeps the moisture in the skin and provides good nourishment to the skin. 

In short, honey can be a good homemade face mask or face pack for the face.

Multani soil and rosewater

Make a good paste of multani soil and rose water. Apply this paste face pack on your face and wash your face after twenty minutes. This Multani Mati face pack is great for oily skin. Because it reduces excess oil on your face.

Cucumber juice is also a natural toner

Cucumber juice reduces tanning on your face. To prepare a homemade face pack for facial blemishes, take cucumber juice in a bowl and add a few drops of honey to it. Mix this mixture well. Apply this homemade face pack on your face and wash your face with cold water after twenty minutes. Cucumber juice reduces your dark circles. Keeping cucumber slices on your eyes while resting in the afternoon will also reduce the dark circles under your eyes.

Which is the best homemade face pack for whitening skin?

Aloe juice

Homemade Face Pack

Take aloe vera juice in a bowl and make a paste of it and gently massage it on the face. Clean up with cold water following twenty minutes. Pimples do not appear on the face due to the anti-bacterial properties of aloe vera. Moreover, aloe vera juice can be a great natural face pack (Homemade face pack) to reduce black spots and wrinkles on the face.


Skin Care Tips

The natural ingredients in oats reduce facial inflammation. To prepare this face pack, mix one bowl of oats, one spoon of honey and four spoons of milk in a mixer. You can increase the amount of milk further to make the face pack thinner. Apply this face pack all over and clean up the following twenty minutes. Oats are good scrubs, so it removes dead skin from your face.

Potato and lemon juice

If you have dark spots on your face, then this face pack will be perfect to remove them. Take potato juice and lemongrass in a bowl. Apply this mixture on the face. A homemade potato face mask is a natural cleanser. This will gradually reduce the appearance of dark spots on your face.

Egg white

Take one egg white in a bowl. Beat it well and make a face pack. Apply this face pack on your face and wash your face with cold water after twenty minutes. Eggs nourish your facial skin and give a natural glow to your face.


Papaya can be a great face pack. Because papaya is rich in vitamin C. For this, make a thick paste by adding papaya juice and milk in a mixer. Apply this face pack on your face and wash your face with cold water after twenty minutes. This face pack is best for oily skin. Because this face pack cleans your skin and papaya gives a kind of natural glow to the face. So papaya is very beneficial for the face.

Carrot juice

Due to the antioxidant and vitamin A content of carrot juice, the skin gets a kind of radiance. To prepare this face pack at home, mix one spoon of honey with carrot juice and mix this mixture well and apply it on your face. Wash the face with cold water after twenty minutes. This gives your skin a kind of instant glow. Drink a glass of carrot juice daily or eat carrot salad with meals to get rid of dark spots on the skin and smooth the face. Because this can also benefit you.

Sandalwood powder

Sandalwood paste has long been used to enhance beauty. Earlier sandalwood root was extracted and applied on the skin, but now instead of sandalwood root, prepared sandalwood powder is available in many Ayurvedic medicine shops. 

You can definitely use this powder to make this face pack. For this, prepare a face mask by mixing two teaspoons of sandalwood powder, a pinch of turmeric and milk. 

You can use rose water or plain water instead of milk. Sandalwood powder is cooling to the skin. 

Antibacterial properties of turmeric reduce acne and pimples on your skin. This sandalwood powder face pack makes your skin look brighter and smoother.


Skin Care Tips

Bananas can also make your skin look beautiful. For this, take a ripe banana, add a spoonful of honey and mash it in a mixer. Apply the paste of banana face pack on the face and wash the face with water after twenty minutes.


Since oranges contain vitamin C, applying orange peel or juice on your face removes dust and pollution from your face. Moreover, it makes your face look radiant due to its better nutrition. 

Use orange peel for skin. For this, dry orange peels and prepare its powder. Mix fresh orange juice with orange powder to make a thick face pack. 

Apply this face pack on your face and remove it manually after 20 minutes. Immediately wash your face with cold water. This face pack will give your face a natural glow and will also make your skin soft.

Equally necessary is a change in lifestyle to keep the skin smooth and beautiful. Since because of work and occupied way of life, we frequently disregard numerous significant things. 

If you want smooth skin, drink enough water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated. Drink coconut water, lemon water or any fruit juice once a day. Sleep on time and wake up early. Eat a proper and balanced diet. Exercise regularly and most importantly stay away from addictions. 

How can I glow my skin naturally in 7 days?


After waking up in the morning, just washing your face with water does not clean your face. Because it makes your skin look clean. But due to the dust and pollution inside the skin, it starts to look dull again. 

Moreover, washing the face with face wash alone is not enough to clean the skin from the root. For this, clean your face with a good cleanser. 

Which will clean the dead skin, dust and pollution from your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you can prepare a cleanser at home. For this, add lemongrass to raw milk and wash your face with the mixture. 

If you make it a habit to clean your face with a cleanser in the morning, your face will stay fresh throughout the day.


The most important step in skin care is to moisturize the skin. Apply a good moisturizer cream on the skin to keep the skin soft. This will keep your skin soft throughout the day and make you look fresh. 

Remember, just like the face, the skin of the whole body needs to be moisturized. So don't forget to apply moisturizing cream on the skin in the morning. 

Regular skin moisturization will help reduce blemishes, pimples and blackheads on your skin. Moisturized skin prevents wrinkles on your face. Likewise


Toning the skin is very important. Because it reduces excess oil accumulated on your skin. Also, toning makes your skin look brighter. 

You can apply rose water, cucumber juice or potato squeeze following purifying to condition the skin.


Applying sunscreen does not tan your skin. After moisturizing, apply a good sunscreen on the skin after ten minutes. 

Apart from summers, the skin needs sunscreen equally in monsoons and winters. In summer, however, apply sunscreen to the skin on the face, neck and hands as well.

Along with regular cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, this face pack must be used to give the skin an intense glow.

If you follow these little things carefully, your skin will look beautiful and fresh easily. Make sure to follow our mentioned skin routines and homemade face packs to maintain your skin. Make sure to let us know what you think of the tips we have given in the comments.

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