
YOGA ASANAS | The best way to fit your health with SURYA NAMASKARA


Yogasana - simple yoga asanas with names

Yoga includes meditation, restraint, and calmness. Yoga directly touches the eternal points of the human mind. Asana, Sanskrit for "seated position" (asana 'base' or asti 'to 'sit'), is a body position, generally associated with yoga practice, that is primarily intended to restore and maintain the practice.

Improves the well-being, flexibility of the body, and consciousness and promotes the ability to sit and meditate for long periods of time.

In the context of yoga practice, asana refers to two things: where a practitioner sits (yogin (common usage); yogi (male); yogini (feminine)) and the way he sits.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali recommends that asanas "are stable, but comfortable, in order to settle into a position".

The collection of rugs has expanded over the centuries and has gone beyond the simple sitting rug, to include a variety of positions in modern use, from reclining and standing on the head.

In the Yogasutras, Patanjali mentions the practice of asanas as the third of the eight limbs of classical or Raja (royal) yoga.

The word asana in Sanskrit is tracked down in numerous settings to mean an actual position, despite the fact that, as referenced over, the customary use is well defined for the act of yoga.

Traditional usage defines currency as singular and plural. In English, the plural of asana is defined as mudra. 

Apart from this, the use of English in the context of yoga practice is sometimes used in relation to yoga asanas or yoga postures, especially in connection with the Ashtanga Vinyasa system of yoga.

It is said that yoga asanas are a series of specific asanas not specifically related to the Vinyasa system and that "ashtanga" refers to the eight limbs of yoga described loosely, ashtanga (capital 'A' ) in the Mysore Palace Refers to the specific method of yoga developed by Shri Krishnamikurti.

Yoga practice

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali suggests that for the practice of asanas, it is only necessary to be "stable and comfortable".

If the body is stable, the level should be relaxed and there should be a time of practice to feel any unwellness. Any visible stiffness or tension in the body should be consciously relaxed.

According to yoga practitioners, when bodily control is mastered, one becomes free from "pairs of opposites" such as heat and cold, hunger and thirst, and joy and sorrow. This monistic approach comes from the Sankya school of the Himalayan masters.

Traditional yoga practice

Drink a glass of pure water before doing asana.

The stomach should be relatively empty.

Should I use force or pressure while doing asanas?

Slowly lower the head and other parts of the body; In particular, high pitches should be gradually reduced.

Keep breathing control. The benefits of asanas increase by doing special pranayama in yoga type.

If there is tension in the body, then do Shavasana or Mulachi Mudra.

Some claim that asanas, especially inverted poses, should be avoided during menstruation. Others or Matache refute.

Nowadays, the postures are usually not done on the floor but on yoga mats.

Pranayama yoga

Pranayama yoga

Pranayama is breath control in yoga and is an integral part of performing asanas.

Patanjali discusses his specific approach to Pranayama from 2.49 to 2.51 and devotes verses 2.52 and 2.53 to explain the benefits of the practice.

Patanjali refers to Pranayama as the control of the life force arising as a result of various breathing mechanisms instead of several breathing exercises

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

Want to be healthy but lack time for it? If you want to overcome any situation, then there is only one answer: Suryanamaskar, which is a set of 12 yoga asanas, which can maintain the efficiency of your heart and blood vessels.

By doing the posture of Suryanamaskar, your body will become strong and your mind will remain calm.

Best time to do Surya Namaskar in the morning, empty stomach. simple and effective Surya Namaskar

Let's start a healthy life.

Each sun salutation is a combination of two sun salutations. The same 12 asanas are half sun salutations, and the second half is to repeat the sequence of 12 asanas.

Only the right foot is brought forward instead of the left foot. But practicing the sequence of one method gets more benefits.

Surya Namaskar is an opportunity to express our gratitude to the Sun God who keeps our existence on earth stable along with good health.

Express gratitude towards God's energy. You should do 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar, and then do some yoga and take deep rest during sleep. Your mantra will be healthy for you. learn more yogasana

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