
Benefits, methods and advantages of Urdhvamukha Svanasana

Urdhvamukha Svanasana
Urdhvamukha Svanasana

Benefits, methods, and advantages of Urdhvamukha Svanasana

Today we are talking about the Benefits, methods, and advantages of Urdhvamukha Svanasana. we do all yoga in our daily lifestyle but every yoga pose has different Advantages so let's learn a new yoga pose Urdhvamukha Svanasana in the English language called Upward Facing Dog- Upward facing dog is an ancient yoga posture usually performed during Surya Namaskar, which provides many health benefits.

Upward-facing dog pose is an ancient yoga pose and is currently practiced around the world as a stretching exercise. It is a part of the yoga postures performed in Surya Namaskar and its yoga action is very similar to the Bhujangasana yoga posture. 

The vertical dog pose is beneficial for the muscles present in the spine, neck, shoulders, and many other parts. In this, the practitioner keeps half the body weight on the arms, due to which the muscles are exercised. Urdhvamukh Svanasana is known as “Upward Facing Dog” in English.

Benefits of Upward-Facing Dog

If the upward-facing dog yoga posture is done with the right technique and takes care of the special things, then it can provide many health benefits -

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Aka Upward Facing Dog Pose Benefits

Advantages of Upward Facing Dog- Upward facing dog is an ancient yoga posture usually performed during Surya Namaskar, which provides many health benefits.

Upward-facing dog pose is an ancient yoga pose and is currently practiced around the world as a stretching exercise. It is a part of the yoga postures performed in Surya Namaskar and its yoga action is very similar to the Bhujangasana yoga posture.

The vertical dog pose is beneficial for the muscles present in the spine, neck, shoulders, and many other parts. In this, the practitioner keeps half the body weight on the arms, due to which the muscles are exercised. Urdhvamukh Svanasana is known as “Upward Facing Dog” in English.

What are the right techniques to do it? Benefits of Upward-Facing Dog

If the upward-facing dog yoga posture is done with the right technique and takes care of the special things, then it can provide many health benefits -

1. Upright dog pose strengthens the spine

Upward-facing dog pose is considered to be a very beneficial yoga pose for the spine. Due to this, the muscles around the bones of the spine become strong and start giving support.

2. Strengthen the shoulders with the vertical dog pose

Upward-facing dog pose is such a yoga posture, in which the weight of some part of the body is put on the hands and shoulders. Due to this, the muscles of the shoulders become strong and the risk of pain and sprain decreases.

3. Upward facing dog is helpful in relieving back pain

For those who often complain of back pain, the upward dog pose can be very beneficial.

4. Upward facing dog keeps the mood good

When done regularly and with the right technique, the mental symptoms begin to decrease, which also keeps the mood good.

However, the health benefits that you get from Urdhmukha Svanasana completely depend on the method of yoga asana and your health condition.

Steps to do Upward Facing Dog

If you are going to practice Urdhvamukh Svanasana for the first time, following these steps may help you to form this yoga pose –

Step 1 - First of all spread the mat on the flat ground and lie on it on the stomach.

Step 2 - During this, the upper part of the feet should be touching the ground.

Step 3 - Bend the elbow of both arms and keep the palm near the armpit

Step 4 - Taking a deep breath, raise the front part of the body with the help of the palms.

Step 5 - In this case, the whole part above the knee should rise from the ground.

Step 6 - Now slowly start lifting the knees in the air and let the weight come on the toes

Step 7 - In this case, all the weight of the body falls on the top of your palms and toes.

Step 8 - During this try to turn the neck upwards and look at the sky.

You can do this yoga activity for a period according to your ability and then slowly come back to normal. If you have any questions regarding this, contact a good yoga instructor.

Precautions during Upward Facing Dog

Upward-facing dog practice is usually done only under the supervision of a yoga instructor and during this, it is necessary to take the following precautions -


There are certain health conditions during which permission from a doctor must be taken before Practicing Urdhmukha Svanasana –

  • Serious injury or pain in any part of the body

  • Headache or dizziness

  • Heart or respiratory disease

  • Pregnancy or menstruation

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