
What is lotus position? Padmasan benefits and precautions

Today we are discussing complete information about Padmasana The name Padmasana is derived from the word Padma, which means lotus flower. Any yogi or wise man practicing meditation is always in Padmasana. The best asana is done while sitting. For the muscles and joints in your legs and hips, Padmasana is a really good sitting position. Not only this, but the mythological books also say that if you sit in Padmasana consistently, you can get rid of many of your ailments.


What is Padmasana?

Padmasana is a type of yoga asana, which is done while sitting. It is composed of the Sanskrit words padma, meaning lotus, and asana, meaning posture. Lotus is highly revered in Indian culture. It is said that just as a lotus retains its beauty even after growing in mud, Padmasana enables the seeker to maintain mental peace by avoiding social vices. Sitting in Padmasana while doing Pranayama is frequently advised.

Padmasana: The benefits of this Yoga meditation

 Padmasana benefits as follows:

1. Calm the mind

Yoga requires one's mind and body to come together in harmony. This requires concentration while doing yoga. Yoga postures known as Padmasana are considered important for meditation. It can help with mental clarity and relaxation.


2. Conserving energy

If feeling tired, one can resort to Padmasana instead of sitting on a chair. According to research published in the International Journal of Yoga, doing Padmasana for 20 minutes has a positive effect on energy levels.


3. Get more rest

There are many causes of insomnia, including stress or physical or mental fatigue. Allopathic medicines cannot treat it. In such cases the benefits of Padmasana can help improve sleep. According to research, Padmasana can help reduce stress and improve sleep.


4. Good for the knees

Knees and ankles should be fully extended and bent in Padmasana. A unique type of fluid is released when the joints are stretched while sitting. This liquid is believed to help reduce muscle stiffness and reduce the likelihood of conditions such as arthritis.


5. Beneficial for periods

During menstruation, it is common to experience cramping, back pain, heaviness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms. Yoga's Padmasana posture can help alleviate symptoms in this case. As already discussed in the text, Padmasana helps calm the mind. In addition, pain associated with menstruation as well as muscle stiffness, back pain etc.


6. Padmasana Benefits for Pregnant Women

A woman can benefit from Padmasana even when she is pregnant. As we mentioned earlier, this pose has the ability to reduce stress, reduce muscle stiffness and increase physical energy. There is currently no scientific data to indicate whether its benefits will be given to expectant mothers during pregnancy. Additionally, before doing this position while pregnant, seek medical advice.


2. How to do Padmasana: The steps to this Yoga meditation

Please read carefully the Padmasana instructions we have given below:

  • Sit in Padmasana. As you inhale, lengthen your spine and gently press your hands into the floor.
  • As you inhale, lift your right leg and bring it over your left thigh.
  • And then do the same with the opposite leg.
  • You are now in Padmasana.
  • In this position, your right hip and knee will be under tension.
  • Stay in this position as long as it is comfortable for you.

3. How to stay healthy while practicing Padmasana: Guidelines for staying fit and healthy during this practice


You can do Ardhapadmasana if you have never done Padmasana and feel uncomfortable with the method described in the previous section. You can accomplish this in the following ways:

  • Sit on the yoga mat, legs crossed.
  • Now place the heel of the right foot on the thigh of the left foot.
  • Place your hands on your knees and do Jnana Mudra with your fingers.
  • Elbows should remain straight.
  • Remember that in full Padmasana the neck and waist must remain straight.
  • Now inhale deeply while exhaling slowly.
  • After three to five minutes, switch to the other leg and repeat the process.
  • Try full Padmasana when your training is complete.


4. Tips for practicing Padmasana safely and effectively


While doing Padmasana, you should always keep in mind some key considerations and safety measures:

  • Do not do this pose if you have an injury or pain in your knees or ankles.
  • Even if you are a beginner, you should always practice this asana under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.
  • Do not do Padmasana even if you feel severe pain or tension in any part of your body.
  • Take your practice to your skill level.
  • Avoid doing this if you have varicose veins.

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