
Top 9 Liver Enlagement Natural remedies, Causes, and Treatment

Liver Enlargement
Liver Enlargement

What is liver enlargement? & What is hepatomegaly?

An enlarged liver or hepatomegaly occurs when the liver enlarges due to various reasons, such as a simple viral infection or a serious medical condition such as heart failure. Usually, treating the underlying cause helps to cure hepatomegaly.

What are the main signs and symptoms of liver enlargement?

In most cases, an enlarged liver causes no symptoms, but underlying diseases can cause symptoms. They might be any of mentioned following:

  1. Abdominal pain.

  2. nausea

  3. Jaundice.

  4. Fatigue or weakness.

Read more - How to cure Fatty liver naturally

What are the main causes of liver enlargement?

The liver is the center of various functions of the body, many diseases can change its function, which can lead to enlargement of the liver.

Some of the most common causes of liver enlargement are:

  1. Liver disease

  2. Amoebic Abscess-E. Histolytica infection causes a pus-filled cavity in the liver.

  3. Hepatitis.

  4. Cirrhosis.

  5. Fatty liver.

  6. Hemochromatosis - excessive accumulation of iron in the body.

  7. Liver cyst.

  8. Hemangiomas of the liver- malformations of blood vessels in the liver.

  9. Gallbladder obstruction.

  10. Amyloidosis.

  11. Wilson's disease - excessive accumulation of copper in the body.

  12. other diseases

  13. Liver cancer.

  14. Lymphoma.

  15. Leukemia.

  16. Heart failure.

  17. Pericarditis.

  18. Infections like malaria and typhoid.

How is it diagnosed and treated?

Following are some of the tests that can be done to find out the underlying diseases.

  1. Blood test

  2. Complete blood count (CBC).

  3. Liver function test.

  4. Serum protein level.

  5. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E antigen/antibody levels.

  6. Imaging studies

  7. Abdominal sonography.

  8. CT scan of the abdomen.

  9. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

  10. Liver biopsy- helps to know the internal structure of liver cells (hepatocytes) and confirm the diagnosis

  11. Treatment of hepatomegaly depends entirely on its causes. Antibiotics may be given if the disease is caused by an infection; If there is a heart disorder, the underlying diseases must be treated; Sometimes they can heal on their own or just need some supportive enzymes. If the growth is caused by cancer, it may require surgery or chemo-radiation therapy.

Home Remedies for Liver Enlargement

  1. Papaya

Papaya is beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Take 1 tablespoon juice of ground seeds of papaya and mix it with 10 drops of lemon. Take this mixture 1-2 times a day for a month. This is one of the significant home solutions for liver consideration.

  1. Henna

Henna contains cooling contents and is also an effective home remedy for liver care. You can use the bark of henna for liver problems as it is helpful in curing liver problems.

Remedy for Liver Care

  1. Honey

Take the mixture of 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of bhringraj. You can eat this two times each day. It is an effective remedy for liver care.

  1. Raw Rice

Whenever you are caught with liver problems, you can swallow a pinch of raw rice and drink a glass of water after that. This is an effective remedy for liver care. You can repeat the process for 15 days.

Natural Treatment for Liver Problems

  1. Naturally, Treat the Liver with White Radish Leaves

Take 50g stems and leaves of white radish. Add sugar candy to it. You can drink this every morning on an empty stomach. This natural treatment is very simple and effective for liver problems.

  1. Naturally, Treat Liver Problems with Buttermilk

Take a cup of buttermilk and add a pinch of salt and some roasted cumin seeds in it. You can drink this decoction once a day as this natural treatment for liver problems is very effective.

Treatment for Liver Problems

  1. Treat Liver Problems with Water

Water is nature’s best gift to men. It is great in case of liver problems. One should drink at least 8 cups of warm water a day. You can preferably drink 2 cups as first thing in the morning. It helps in flushing out extra toxins from the body. This treatment for the liver is very good.

8. Treat Liver with Licorice

A licorice root extract called glycyrrhizin is good for treating liver problems. It gives good results in treating chronic hepatitis C and liver cancer.

Liver Problems Cure

9. Cure Liver Problems with Lemon

Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of lime juice with papaya seeds extract. You can take this decoction 1 time a day as it is helpful in curing liver problems. Another thing you can do is you can squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and add a pinch of salt in it. If you take this 3 times a day for 21 days it will prove helpful.

10. Cure Liver Problems with Bentonite Clay

Take 1 spoon of bentonite clay and soak it in a cup of water for a whole night. Add 1 tablespoon of psyllium husks or plantago seeds to the clay mixture and mix well. Drink the mixture immediately and then followed by 1 cup of warm water before bedtime. This is an effective cure for liver problems.

Liver Care Diet

Vegetables such as beets, squashes, bitter gourd, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, radishes and papaya are very useful in helping this condition. A diet rich in carbohydrates should be taken as it is helpful in proving a good source of energy.

Avoidable Things

One should avoid tea and other beverages to ignore the condition. Avoid fried foods, turmeric, and red chilies in your diet as it is harmful to the stomach and liver.

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