
How to get rid of cough and cold in Ayurveda? Can yoga cure a cold? Home Remedy

Hello all, today we are going to talk about Cold and Cough Home remedies, These home remedies will be useful to protect health from colds and cough

You can take the help of simple home-natural remedies to get rid of cold and cough problems. Let's know the details...

cure common cold and cough
How to get rid of cough and cold in Ayurveda?

How to get rid of cough and cold in Ayurveda?

Colds and coughs are currently becoming a major problem worldwide. Meanwhile cold can be a problem in severe winter as well as in summer. The problem of cold and cough can be caused due to changing climate, dust, soil, pollution, consumption of cold food etc. We can also do natural Ayurvedic treatment at home.

Apart from this, it is also necessary to maintain cleanliness to prevent colds and coughs. For this, proper cleaning of your clothes, goods and clothes should be done. Also wash hands and feet after coming home from outside. Sometimes even this simple problem seems very annoying. Let's know the cold and cough home remedies to get rid of this…

 Common symptoms after cold and cough

  • Headache
  • Getting a cold
  • Sneezing
  • Burning or itching eyes
  • Physical pain or heaviness
  • Cough problem
  • Fever

 Common cold home remedies India

 Honey consumption

Consumption of honey: Honey is rich in anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Honey is a natural medicine. So in case of you have cold and cough then you can consume honey two to three times a day.

You can eat one spoon of honey two to three times a day or even you can mix honey in warm milk and consume this milk. But if cough comes out with phlegm, don't drink milk.

if you feel thirsty and you have a sore throat then keep cloves in your mouth. These simple home remedies will help you get relief from cold and cough.

Apart from that patients suffering from diabetes should consult a doctor before consuming honey.


Honey and ginger tea

Ginger has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients help relieve sore throats, chest pains, and headaches, and also eradicate cold-causing viruses.

How to prepare tea?

Take a cup of water to prepare honey and ginger tea. Mix half an inch piece of ginger and one to one-half spoon of honey in it.

Method of preparing tea

First of all, heat the water on the gas. After the water is heated, mix grated ginger in it and let the water boil for two minutes.

After this, strain the water and keep it to cool and after the tea cools down, mix honey in it. Your honey and ginger tea is ready. You can drink this tea twice a day to get rid of cold.


Roll up and steam with hot water

After cold and cough, you can also gargle with hot water and take steam from hot water.

If you have a sore throat due to a cold, add salt to hot water and gargle with this water.

If your nose is blocked due to cold, steam your face with hot water. Doing this remedy will get rid of accumulated phlegm in the body. There will be no difficulty in breathing. Sore throat and pain, headache will also reduce.

Cold and cough caused by this virus in summer, try this home remedy and get relief in few hours!

The common cold in summer is caused by a virus called rhinovirus. Avoid resorting to medicines for this and try home remedies. You will get a lot of relief from cold and flu within few hours.

Sweating is normal in hot summers but colds are not. Most of us experience mild colds during summer days. If this situation ever happened to you, try home remedies at first level. These remedies are much better than medicines to get relief from colds.

Cold in winter days seems normal but in summer it becomes a problem. The common cold is caused by a virus called rhinovirus. Rhinovirus causes sneezing, runny nose or difficulty breathing. Entero viruses can cause serious symptoms in dogs. A minor cold does not require a visit to the doctor. This can also be overcome with the help of home remedies.



Garlic is a good remedy if you get a cold even in hot summer. Actually garlic is a kind of blood purifier. A mixture of garlic, lemon, chili powder and honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. On the one hand, chili powder has a thermogenic effect on the nose, while the vitamin C found in lemon works to boost immunity.

Method of preparation and use

First, peel and mash some garlic cloves

Add some lemon juice, a pinch of chilli and honey to it

Consume this thick mixture to get relief from colds

Keep doing this remedy till you feel better



Ginger has antibacterial properties that help fight colds that occur during summer. If lemon and honey are consumed along with ginger, it gives quick relief from colds.

 Method of preparation and use

To prepare the ginger mixture, first slice the ginger thinly

Boil these slices in a cup of water

Now filter this water and mix lemon juice in it

Add honey to taste and drink while hot

Consuming one to two sips a day helps fight the virus



Cinnamon is a great remedy for colds and flu. It helps a lot in curing viral attacks and other infections.

Method of preparation and use

Boil cinnamon in water, Strain this water and add one spoon of honey to it Drinking cinnamon tea once a day can cure a cold in a few hours.


Onion is an effective remedy to get rid of cold. It not only helps to remove toxins from the body but also destroys the bacteria trapped in the respiratory tract.

Method of preparation and use

In a bowl, chop some onion and mix it with honey

Cover the pot and keep it overnight

Drink the liquid that comes out of it in the morning on an empty stomach. If the cold does not heal quickly, you can do this procedure for seven days in a row.



Basil is known for its antimicrobial properties. Not only in winter but also in summer, if the nose is blocked, the use of Basil helps to open the nostrils.

Method of preparation and use

Grind ginger pieces along with basil leaves

Now mix this mixture with hot water

Add a few drops of honey to this ginger- Basil mixture

If you have a severe cold, you can drink this mixture twice a day for amazing benefits



Curcumin present in turmeric acts as an antiseptic. Apart from this, the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties present in turmeric are beneficial in curing the problem of cold in summer.

Method of preparation and use

Add turmeric powder to water and boil it

Strain this water and mix it with some lemon juice and honey

Drinking this mixture of turmeric twice a day will be very beneficial for colds


Black pepper and turmeric

A combination of black pepper and turmeric can work wonders in treating summer colds. Pepper actually contains peperin and turmeric has antiseptic properties that prevent phlegm build-up. A mixture of black pepper, turmeric, milk and honey naturally relieves colds.

Method of preparation and use

First grind the whole black pepper

Mix this powder in a glass of milk and add a pinch of turmeric

Boil the milk so that the flavor of the pepper infuses into the milk

Add a spoonful of honey to warm milk and drink it

Regularly before going to bed at night


Can yoga cure a cold?

Diseases that accompany the change of season are quite common. Summer is followed by monsoon and then winter. In that case, many people have to deal with cold and fever. Due to the immunity of our body, such diseases are cured automatically. But still it is better to take some preventive and curative measures. Modern medicine is very effective, but it is not the only option today. People are also turning to remedies like yoga to heal themselves and boost their immunity.

Yoga is an ancient and unique technique that creates a strong body and a focused mind. Here are some of the asanas that will help you cope better with colds.


1.Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (नाडी शोधन प्राणायाम)

(Anulom Vilom) Nadishodhan Pranayama helps to clear the stuffy nose and gives more oxygen to the lungs. This reduces the stress on the mind and relaxes the body. To overcome cold, do 7-8 repetitions of this pranayama, two to three times a day.


2. Kapalbhati (कपालभाती)

The forceful exhalation in this form of Shavasana opens up the airways and allows for easy breathing. Improves nervous system function, improves blood circulation. And the mind is happy. Applying this technique twice a day gives new energy to fight against cold.


3. Hasta Padasana ( हस्त पदासन )

(Standing forward bend) The standing forward bend posture improves blood flow to the head and clears the nasal cavity. It strengthens the nervous system and relieves stress in the body.


4. matsyasana ( मत्स्यासन )

Deep breathing done in this asana relieves respiratory ailments and colds. Due to Matsyasana, neck and shoulder tension which is very troublesome for the body disappears


 5. Do the opposite (उलट करा)

(lying down and raising the legs) A very effective asana to cure respiratory diseases is Virakarani. This asana is useful for relieving headache and back pain. It calms the mind and keeps the mind strong when debilitated by cold.


 6. Shavasana ( शवासन )

This is the best final yoga pose as it gives the body a deep meditative rest. This asana removes stress from the body and gives new vitality.

The beginning of any season is a great opportunity to have fun without a fever or cold. Regular practice of yoga increases immunity and the ability to deal better with germs.

An ancient and holistic natural healing system, Ayurveda is also a good way to boost immunity. In Ayurveda, we get information on how to remove the root cause by taking preventive measures for the disease without temporary solutions like allopathic medicines.

Regular practice develops the body and mind and brings health benefits but it is not a substitute for medicine. It is very important to learn and practice yoga under the guidance of Yoga trained teacher. If you have a medical problem, consult a doctor and Yoga teacher before practicing yoga.

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