
Why do feet swell during pregnancy, know its causes and solutions

Why do feet swell during pregnancy
Image source - pixabay

Pregnancy is a joyful and magical time for most women. But along with this, there are many problems during pregnancy, which can make this period troublesome. During pregnancy, the body changes very rapidly. This makes it a bit difficult for women to feel comfortable. Along with morning sickness, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, etc., another problem women face is swollen feet.

Although usually in the early months, you cannot predict them by looking at the swelling on the feet. But you know when you try on your favorite shoe, slippers for a doctor's appointment or just for a walk. You feel your own shoes getting tight and then you realize that maybe your feet are swollen.

According to Ayurveda, these eating habits will be beneficial during pregnancy

Swelling in the legs appears in the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy. This means you will avoid this problem at least during the first few months of pregnancy. We tell you about the changes that the body undergoes during each trimester and the swelling it causes.

In the first quarter

During the first period, there are rapid hormonal changes in the body. During this time, the level of progesterone hormone in women's body increases rapidly. The hormone progesterone slows down your digestion. Because of this, in the early stages, we often see bloating and digestive problems. You feel that your feet, hands and face are swollen. But it is not so obvious to other people. During the first trimester, if you experience dizziness, headache or severe swelling with bleeding problems, contact your doctor immediately.

Second quarter

The second trimester starts from the 13th week of pregnancy. Feeling swollen feet during this period is not a big deal. Especially during the fifth month of pregnancy, women often start to experience swelling in their feet.

This is more so when you are active on your feet all day or the weather is very hot. Swelling is caused by excess blood and other fluids in your body. During the second trimester, a woman's blood volume can increase by up to 50%.

Apart from this, the hormonal fluid produced in the body can also cause swelling of the feet. Although your toenails may feel swollen, this extra fluid is very beneficial for softening your body and giving birth to the baby.

So you have nothing to worry about. Besides, as soon as the baby is born, within a few days, all this extra fluid is flushed out of your body.

Third quarter

The third trimester starts at 28 weeks. During this time, swelling of the feet is common. By the time they reach the 40th week, most women's toes will double in size.

During this time, your body is collecting blood and fluid within itself, which can cause you to see swelling in many parts of the body. Along with this, your uterus is also growing in size, so your body is putting more weight on your feet.

As the baby gains weight, the blood circulation from your legs to the heart slows down. Don't worry there is no danger. But yes, it can feel very uncomfortable. Apart from this, there are many other reasons that can lead to swelling of your toes and toes.

  • Hot weather
  • Food imbalance
  • Caffeine overdose
  • less water
  • Standing for long periods of time

If you feel very uncomfortable, it is a good idea to contact your doctor.

Read more about allergy

Home Remedies to get rid of swollen feet

As we just mentioned, foot problems are not a threat to you. But if it is becoming very uncomfortable and cause for concern, you need not panic. We are telling you some simple home remedies by which you can control this swelling.

1. Reduce salt intake

One of the most important ways to reduce swollen feet is to reduce salt intake. Salt stores excess water in your body. In this way inflammation increases in your body.

Try not to eat processed and packaged foods. Try not to put salt on top of food. Reducing your salt intake is beneficial for you and your baby

2. Consume more foods that contain potassium

Many times women also face the problem of swelling in the body during pregnancy due to a lack of adequate potassium. Potassium helps maintain the proper balance of fluids in your body. So include foods rich in potassium in your diet. Can be food

  • Potatoes with peel
  • Sweet potatoes with peel
  • banana
  • parents
  • Beans
  • Pomegranate, orange, carrot
  • curd
  • Pulses
  • 3 Reduce caffeine intake
  • caffeine
  • pexels

Sometimes drinking coffee during pregnancy is not harmful. But drinking too much coffee can put your health and that of your baby at risk.

Caffeine is a diuretic that causes you to pee more regularly. When your body frequently excretes fluid in the form of urine, your body's tendency to retain water increases That is why consuming milk coffee or herbal tea instead of black coffee will be beneficial for health and leg swelling.

4. Increase the amount of water

Now you say that when fluid retention is the cause of leg swelling, how can drinking more water improve it? In fact, fluid accumulates in the body only when the body is dehydrated. That's why when you drink plenty of plain water, you won't get dehydrated. Due to this, the accumulated substances in the body are gradually released. This will reduce the swelling in your feet.

5. Stretch your legs and relax

You have a lot to deal with before the baby is born, but rest is also very important for you.

Rest your entire body as well as your feet as they run all day and get all your work done. When you sit, spread your legs in front of you.

In this way the weight of the entire body will gradually fall back instead of piling up on them. This will provide relief to the legs and the accumulated fluid will also not concentrate in one place.

6. Try to keep your cool

If you are pregnant in summer, you should try to keep yourself as cool as possible. Don't forget to exercise a lot. Keeping yourself cool will help reduce swelling in your feet and hands.

Sitting under AC or a fan will be beneficial for your feet, hands, and whole body as well as the health of the child. In summer try to wear clothes that are very loose and do not cling to the body. Choose only cotton clothes for yourself which cools the body by removing heat from your body.

If these symptoms appear after delivery, understand that the mother's diet is not right

Note- If you feel very uncomfortable, it is a good idea to contact your doctor.

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