
Do you know what is yoga and what is the benefit of yoga?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is the science of living well, so it should be practiced regularly. It affects all aspects of our lives, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and spiritual. Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning "to unite" or "to bind." Yuj is a Sanskrit word, meaning "to join".

yoga mat for yogasan

On a spiritual level, this union involves the merging of individual and universal consciousness. Yoga is a practice of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind, and emotions on a practical level. Asana, pranayama, mudra, Bandhan, shatakrama, and meditation are used to achieve this yoga or unity. Consequently, yoga is both a way of life and an ultimate goal.

For most people, yoga begins with the physical body, which is a practical and familiar starting point. When this level is imbalanced the organs, muscles, and nerves do not work in harmony; Instead, they work against each other.

 Yoga works on the mental, emotional, and physical levels before moving into the physical body. As a result of the stress and interactions of daily life, many people suffer from various mental illnesses. Yoga does not provide instant relief, but it is a tried and true method of coping with them. Hatha yoga (which is just one type of yoga) became extremely popular in the last century. However, awareness about the true meaning and comprehensive knowledge of yoga is steadily increasing.

Health Benefits of Yoga

One of the most well-known benefits of yoga is physical and mental healing. Because it is based on the principles of harmony and integration, it is extremely powerful and effective. Yoga is an effective treatment option for asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, rheumatism, digestive disorders and other diseases, especially in cases where modern science has failed to provide a cure.

The effects of yoga on HIV are currently being studied, with promising results. According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is effective because it restores balance in the nervous and endocrine systems, which directly affects other body systems and organs.

However, for many people, yoga is a way to stay healthy in a stressful society. Yoga helps reverse the effects of bad habits like sitting on a chair all day, talking on the phone too much, not exercising, eating wrong, etc.

Yoga also has many other spiritual benefits. They are difficult to describe because you must first achieve them by doing yoga and then experiencing them. Yoga has different benefits for different people. So, if you want to improve your mental, physical, spiritual, and spiritual health, you must try yoga.

Laws of Yoga 

You will undoubtedly reap the full benefits of yoga if you follow these few simple rules:

  • Start your yoga practice with the help of a guru.
  • Yoga is best practiced at sunrise or sunset.
  • Take a bath before doing yoga.
  • Yoga should be done on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything 2 hours before doing yoga.
  • Wear loose cotton clothes.
  • Just like the body, the mind should be clean – clear your mind of all negative thoughts before doing yoga.
  • Yoga should be done in a calm, clean environment.
  • Give your full attention to your yoga practice.
  • Practicing yoga requires patience and persistence.
  • Do not put any pressure on your body.
  • Patience is required. It takes time to realize the benefits of yoga.
  • Have a consistent yoga practice.
  • After yoga, wait 30 minutes before eating anything. for 1 hour, do not shower.
  • After you complete your asanas, always do pranayama.
  • If you have a medical problem, you should first see a doctor.
  • Stop doing yoga immediately if pain increases or new problems arise.
  • At the end of your yoga practice, always do Shavasana.
  • Different types of yoga in Marathi

How many basic poses of yoga there?

There are four major types of yoga or four paths of yoga:

Raja Yoga:

The word "raja" means "royal" and meditation is the most important aspect of this branch of yoga. Patanjali named this yoga Ashtanga Yoga because it has eight limbs. Patanjali mentions it in Yoga Sutra. The eight limbs are yama (vow), niyama (rule of conduct or self-discipline), asana, pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (sense control), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi.

Raja Yoga attracts people who are self-aware and willing to meditate. The most famous aspect of Raja Yoga is posture; In fact, most people associate it with yoga. However, asana is only one aspect of yoga practice. Yoga is much more than just a series of asanas.

Karma Yoga:

Karma yoga or the path of service is the next branch and none of us can avoid it. The theory of karma yoga is that our present experiences are the result of our past karmas. By being aware of this, we can use the present to free ourselves from negativity and selfishness and create a better future. The path of self-ascension action is known as karma. Karma yoga is when we do our work and live our life in such a way that we serve others without expecting anything in return.

Bhakti Yoga:

Bhakti yoga describes the path of devotion. Bhakti yoga is a positive way to control emotions by seeing the divine in everything. The path of devotion allows us to develop acceptance and tolerance for all people.

Yoga Knowledge:

Bhakti is the yoga of the mind, while jnana yoga is the yoga of the intellect, the path of the sage or scholar. This path requires the intellectual development of the student through the study of yoga texts and texts. Jnana Yoga is the most difficult as well as the most direct form of yoga. This requires extensive research and an appeal to intellectual curiosity.

Do you know this Yoga posture?

The different yoga postures are as follows-

1. Standing Yoga

Konasana –I

Konasana II



Ardha Chakrasana


Veerabhadrasana or Veerabhadrasana

Parasarita Padahastas no


Paschim Namaskarasana



2. Sitting Yoga

Janu Shirsana



Half Matsyendrasana




Eka Pada Raja Kapotsana

infant seat

Chowki Chalansana



3. Yoga for stomach


Adho Mukha Savasana

Makar Adho Mukha Samvasana



Salamba Bhujangasana

Niftira Shalabhasana


Urdhwa Mukha Samvasana

4. Yoga on the back


Sethu Bandhasana






Without Vishnu



Best Time to Practice Yoga

It is best to do yoga in the morning one to two hours before sunrise. If you can't do it in the morning, you can do it at sunset. Apart from that, keep the following in mind:

Practicing yoga at any time during the day will be beneficial.

Lay a yoga mat or carpet on the floor and do all the asanas.

Yoga can be done in a public space like a park or even at home. Just remember that the position will allow you to breathe freely the next day.

What should be your state of mind before starting yoga practice?

Yoga should always be done when the mind is calm. Fill your mind with calm and steady thoughts and focus your attention on yourself rather than on the outside world. Make sure you are not too tired to focus on your posture; If you are tired, just do comfortable postures.

What is the best state of mind for yoga? 

Pay close attention to the way you stand. Focus your attention on the part of the body where the asana has the greatest effect. You'll get the easiest things if you do it this way. Breathing is very important while doing asanas. Use the correct breathing technique for the asana (when to inhale and when to exhale). If you are not aware of this, do normal rhythmic breathing.

Tips on how to start yoga 

If you are new to yoga or just don't know it, keep the following points in mind:

Patience and persistence are the keys to a successful yoga practice. If your body has limited flexibility you may find it difficult to do most of the asanas at first. Don't worry if you can't do the asanas properly at first. With simple repetition, everything will be easy. All muscles and joints that are not overstretched will become more flexible over time.

Do not force or rush your body in any way.

In the beginning, you should do only those asanas that you can do easily. Make sure you are breathing in a steady rhythm.

Always rest for a few seconds between the first two asanas. Decide how long you need to rest between the two postures based on your physical needs. Reduce this time frame over time.

What precautions should you take to get the most out of your yoga practice?

Women are generally advised not to practice yoga during their menstrual cycle. However, you can decide whether yoga is suitable during menstruation or not based on your physical capabilities.

It is preferable to practice yoga under the supervision of an expert during pregnancy.

Children below ten years should not be given too difficult seats. Do yoga only under the guidance of an expert.

Be moderate in eating and drinking. 

Eat and drink on time. Smoking should be strictly prohibited. If you are addicted to tobacco or smoking, try yoga and try to quit this bad habit.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Along with exercise and a nutritious diet, the body also needs rest. So sleep on time.

Importance of faith for good yoga practice Believes in yourself and in yoga. Positive thinking is the true companion of ideal yoga practice. It is your state of mind and attitude that gives you all the benefits of yoga.

What precautions should be taken for a good yoga practice?

It is common knowledge that women should not practice yoga when they are menstruating. But depending on your physical condition, you can decide whether doing yoga during your period is right for you.

It would be preferable to practice yoga when expected under the guidance of an expert.

Children below 10 years of age should not be forced to do very challenging asanas. Practice yoga only under guidance.

Use moderation when eating and drinking. Smoking must be absolutely prohibited. If you smoke or use tobacco, try yoga to kick the habit. 

Make sure you get enough rest. Along with exercise and a healthy diet, the body also needs sleep. So, go to bed on time.

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