Today we are talking about Home remedies for dry cough and what is dry cough caused by:
The Cold gets better in 4-5
days, but the dry cough does not go away at all... If you are annoyed by constant
cough, try these home remedies.
When winter comes, it brings
with it many diseases like colds, coughs, frequent sneezing, runny nose in the
morning, and headaches. It is a big responsibility of the women of the house to
keep themselves and their families safe from these diseases. But with all the
care, once a member of the house gets a cold and then her infection spreads
slowly and surrounds the whole family. It also happens to many people that the
cold, and sneezing problem lasts for 3 to 4 days and then stops. But the cough does not go away.
We try many remedies to get
rid of cough, and we also take medicine after leaving many hospitals. But
occasionally the cough breaks out and lasts Every time going to the doctor or
take medicine, pills also come to life.
Due to the changing climate,
many people are finding themselves affected by dry cough. A dry cough is a
cough with no expectoration. This cough suddenly increases and the person is
startled by coughing. A dry cough occurs in many common diseases of the
airways. Currently, there is an increase in the number of patients with this
1. When we breathe through
the nose in cold air, the mucous membrane inside the nose swells due to that
mucus. Due to this, sneezing occurs, and water starts flowing from the nose, which
means cold. In two-three days, if not taken care of, this cold gets stronger
due to frequent exposure to cold. This is commonly called 'Kapha'. This phlegm
gets stuck between the nose and throat. A very small amount of this phlegm
tries to come out with your breath, causing a dry cough.
2. This thin lining of the
nose extends further inward to the throat, tonsils, larynx, trachea,
and alveoli in the lungs. So when this dry cough increases it goes to the
3. Smoke, polluted
environment, and germs aggravate this dry cough.
4. Swelling of the tonsils
in children causes a dry cough.
5. A chronic dry cough after
forty may be the beginning of throat cancer. So here are top five reasons of
dry cough caused.
What home remedies for dry cough
So if you suffer from
frequent coughs, like old dry coughs, try these home remedies for a few days
straight. If the cough does not stop after these remedies, then definitely
consult a doctor.
Try these home remedies for
dry cough
Home remedies for dry cough
1. 1. Ginger and salt
Eating ginger is very healthy during cold days. Only it should be eaten in the right way. Ginger is also very useful for curing dry cough as it has a lot of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you are going to eat ginger to cure cough, crush a piece of ginger. Add a pinch of salt to it. Make a pill of it and keep it in your mouth for five minutes. Swallow the water that escapes him.
Honey has been used to treat
coughs since ancient times. Honey is helpful in curing throat infections. Take
half a glass of hot water to do this remedy. Add two tablespoons of honey to
this and drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning. Doing this remedy
regularly for a few days will surely cure the cough. Apart from this, a mixture of
honey and 4 to 5 black pepper powders should also be licked. It is also useful
for cough.
3. Liquorice
Like honey, licorice is also
an effective cough remedy. For this remedy, you can regularly taste the honey
stick. Or you can take a lick of honey and licorice. Take one tablespoon of
honey to prepare this. Add 2 tsp licorice powder to it. Swallow this lick.
Pudina and Tulsi
Both of these things are useful
in relieving cough. Take 10 to 15 mint leaves for this. Put the same amount of
basil leaves in it. Let the leaves boil well in a glass of water. After boiling
the water, add half a glass of jaggery and drink it hot. If you take this
extract regularly every night for a few days, it will surely cure your cough.
Cloves and Honey
When you have a cough,
instead of eating just cloves, mix a mixture of cloves and honey and lick it.
Roast the cloves well for this remedy. To roast the cloves, place them directly
on the gas burner and turn on the gas. Cloves are roasted well in just 5-6 seconds.
Then crush these cloves with your hand. Add some honey to it and eat that
Night Dry cough home remedies
Try these 5 home remedies to get rid of night cough and wet or dry night cough naturally
for Dry Coughing at Night: Do you also have a life-threatening
cough at night? Then do these 5 simple remedies before going to bed
If the cough suddenly starts
while sleeping at night, complete sleep is disturbed. However, when we fall
asleep again, we don't even remember this in the morning, and then we don't
even treat the cough. But did you know that coughing while sleeping can be a
sign of many serious diseases? According to NCBI, coughing at night can be a
symptom of a respiratory illness such as asthma, bronchitis, or a respiratory
Also, if you have a
digestive problem like acidity or GERD, it can cause you to cough at night.
Apart from this, allergens such as dust, mold, mattress mites, etc. in the
environment also cause cough. If the cough is persistent at night and does not
go away on its own, it is necessary to see a doctor or try some of the home
remedies mentioned here to reduce the cough.
with salt water before going to bed
According to the NIH,
gargling with salt water is beneficial for reducing sore throat or
inflammation. It also helps flush out unwanted particles and pathogens from the
throat and eliminate or control infections. In such a situation, if you are
suffering from a night dry cough, then go to sleep by gargling salt water every
Essential oils can help
relieve symptoms of cough, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory tract
infections. Oils prepared from the plants like fennel, bitter fennel,
eucalyptus, and peppermint are considered very beneficial in reducing cough. Add a
few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to water and steam with that water
every night before going to bed. This will provide relief from the cough.
and lemon
Drinking lemon mixed with
honey before going to bed soothes the throat and reduces inflammation and pain.
It has the same effect as cough medicine. But be careful not to give it to
If a person is already allergic
to mentioned ingredients please do not consume or don’t try these home remedies
at home even don’t use products that contain such ingredients, doctor consultation
is the best way to patients stay safe to stay healthy.