Today we are talking about How to make Anti-dandruff shampoo at home? Nowadays every person has a dandruff problem, so here are the remedies of rid dandruff naturally,
Does your hair ever look
chalky? if yes then It is called dandruff. Actually, dandruff is genetic or it
is also due to environmental changes. Dandruff can cause red itchy skin, and
the result is fungus on your skin, which clings to your oily skin.
If your scalp is constantly
itchy and you are constantly scratching your head followed by white dandruff
then these are all symptoms of dandruff. Dandruff is white and some people also
have oily and yellow-colored dandruff.
Even after using different
types of products, the problem of dandruff in the hair is not reduced? Does
your hair get dandruff immediately the next day after washing it? Know the natural
Anti dandruff shampoo remedies to
get rid of this problem.
Most of us use shampoo
frequently to get rid of dandruff problems. Also, change shampoos one after the
other in the hope that dandruff will subside completely. Very few people
experience that the shampoo has reduced the problem of dandruff and has not
damaged the skin of the scalp.
Most shampoos contain a lot
of chemicals. Excessive use of chemical shampoos has adverse effects on the
health of the hair, reducing its shine of the hair, making the hair dry, weak, and lifeless. Let's know natural Anti-dandruff remedies to prevent this damage...
Side effects of using shampoo on hair
Shampoo is used to clean the
hair, to eliminate hair-related problems. This helps in cleaning the bad smell
and excess oil accumulated on the scalp. If you use shampoo more than
necessary, there is a possibility of adverse effects on the health of the hair.
For example, hair is
lifeless, dull, dry, and thinning. Split hair problem. Loss of natural luster on
hair. Some people also face the problem of massive hair loss. Avoid overuse of
shampoo due to this.
Do not ignore this problem
Dandruff is a common hair
problem. This problem can become serious if not addressed at the right time.
Dandruff causes pimples on the face as well as on the back and shoulders.
Also due to dandruff
problems related to nails also occur. In general, dandruff causes a lot of
damage to the skin apart from the hair. This should not ignore the issue of dandruff.
Why does dandruff occur? Dandruff symptoms
The reasons behind dandruff
can be different. Let's know the common reasons
Lack of nutritional principles
Imbalance in the pH level of the skin
Lack of water in the body
Overuse of chemical-laden beauty products
Unhealthy scalp
Oily scalp
Oily skin is the main cause
of dandruff in your hair. This type of skin causes fungus and dandruff.
Dandruff attacks the skin of the oil gland area.
Shampoo does the job of
removing excess oil from your hair. If you don't wash your hair on time, your
scalp becomes more oily and then dandruff starts forming in it.
What you eat is also
important. If you eat high-fat dairy products or other foods, this can also
cause dandruff. Your scalp may become itchy and uncomfortable.
Is dandruff caused by Stress?
Stress is the root of many
problems and it is also the root of the dandruff problems. Stress makes your skin
condition very bad and also lowers your immunity. Stress makes your skin itch.
The more you scratch, the more damaged your scalp becomes.
Shampoo with salts
By using the wrong shampoo,
you are really damaging your hair. Shampoos containing salts will cause more
damage to your scalp. It also damages your scalp's ability to balance pH and
causes dandruff. Due to the inclusion of some oils in the shampoo, dandruff
Does Dandruff cause hair loss?
If you don't comb your hair
regularly, you're not only drying it out, but it's also causing your skin to
die and develop dandruff.
If not shampooed properly
If you don't shampoo your
hair regularly, oil and cells build up on your scalp, which can be a major
cause of dandruff.
What are some facts about dandruff?
Dry scalp causes dandruff
Dandruff is caused by an
oily scalp. Due to the oily skin, the fungus develops on it, and then dandruff forms
on it. So excess oil causes dandruff.
Applying oil to the hair is the right solution
If you know the cause of
dandruff is due to oily skin, applying oil may not be the solution. The effect of
applying more oil to it will definitely be bad. Also rubbing oil on your hair
when you have dandruff can cause redness and itchiness.
Scraping off dandruff before shampooing helps reduce dandruff
This is the worst
misconception. If the dandruff on your head is the one you're already
scratching, you'll definitely have more of it in your hair. This means that
your scalp is in a very bad condition. This can cause you more discomfort and
bleed from your skin, and not only that, but you can also get an infection.
If you have dandruff, you should wash your hair less often
On the other hand, if you
have dandruff, you should wash your hair more often to maintain it and keep it
clean. It helps in reducing dandruff. Regular shampooing helps to remove the
fungus from your hair and protect your skin by reducing the oiliness of your
Does hair masks reduce Dandruff?
Hair masks help reduce
dandruff in your hair. Applying a scalp mask twice a week will definitely help
you get rid of dandruff. Such hair masks reduce dandruff in your hair and also
help in rejuvenating your skin. It also makes your skin healthy as before.
Hair styling products make things worse
Using irons, curlers, blow
dryers, or sprays to straighten your hair can all cause damage to your hair. It
is not suitable for your hair texture. It has nothing to do with dandruff.
Dandruff can be genetic or environmental. The environment and your diet
definitely affect your scalp.
Dandruff has nothing to do with hair growth
Dandruff causes hair loss.
Also, excess oil in your hair can damage your skin. So if you get an itch and
scratch it continuously, your hair roots also move and this results in hair
Less amount of dandruff occurs in winter
Absolutely not! In fact,
more dandruff occurs in winter. Our diet changes completely in winter. We eat
more dairy and spicy foods. So these foods help in dandruff. Also due to the
cold, many people lose hair, The hair is bathed after about four to five days.
This makes the skin of the hair more damaged.
does dandruff affect your skin and hair?
Makes your hair dry
Your hair gets more split ends
Your scalp becomes itchier
Makes your scalp more oily
This causes more itching
Stops your hair growth
In some people, it causes hair loss
It also causes hair breakage
1. The first natural home remedy for Anti dandruff Shampoo
Two to three tablespoons of coconut oil and one lemon
First of all, mix two to
three tablespoons of coconut oil and lemon juice together in a bowl. After
mixing both the ingredients well, apply the mixture on the hair roots with the
help of cotton.
Leave this mixture on the
hair for at least an hour. After this, wash your hair with mild shampoo. Use
only shampoos that contain natural herbs like reetha, amla, and aloe vera.
These are the benefits of
Applying a mixture of lemon
and coconut oil to the hair helps reduce hair damage caused by shampoo. Lemon
contains citric acid. Moreover, it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
properties, which reduce skin-related problems.
Coconut oil strengthens the
hair along with the roots. Moisturizes the skin of the scalp. This provides
nutrients to the hair. Due to this, the skin of the scalp does not become dry.
2. Another natural Anti-dandruff shampoo remedy: Aloe vera gel and fenugreek seeds
Applying aloe vera gel on
hair roots is very beneficial. This helps to get rid of the problem of dry and
lifeless hair.
Additionally, you can also
apply fenugreek powder to your hair. Add three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds to
the mixer. Now mix one spoon of coconut oil in this paste. Apply this mixture
on the hair roots.
After an hour, wash your
hair with lukewarm water. Use only herbal shampoo to wash your hair.
3. Multani
Mitti Hair Pack
Multani mitti helps in
retaining the essential nutrients in your hair and also helps in keeping your
hair shiny, silky, and dandruff free. Take three teaspoons of multani mitti and
mix it with water to make a thick paste and add some lemon juice to it. Apply
this mixture to your hair and scalp and keep it for about half an hour. Then
wash your hair with water. This will surely give you desired results.
4. Fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds contain
certain minerals and vitamins that help reduce dandruff. Grind fenugreek seeds
and soak them overnight in hot water. Apply this mixture to your hair and then
wash your hair again with shampoo in the morning.
5. Basil
Basil leaves are known for
their antibacterial and antifungal properties. These leaves not only help in
the treatment of dandruff but also help in strengthening. Take the basil leaves
and grind them in a mixer and make a paste. Mix 2 spoons of water and 3 spoons
of amla powder in it. Stir this mixture well and then apply it on your scalp. Apply
this mixture for about 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with water and shampoo.
6. Heena
Henna is not only used to blacken hair but its leaves are useful for many hair treatments including dandruff. It is also used to reduce the oiliness of the scalp and as a conditioner. For best results, mix Heena with two teaspoons of lemon juice and curd. After that, soak this mixture for about 8 hours before applying it on your scalp. After applying it to the hair, keep it for 2 hours and then wash it off with shampoo.
How to control and care for dandruff?
Use medicated Anti dandruff shampoo
To treat your dandruff, you
should first use a medically advised shampoo for your hair. When looking for a
shampoo, look for the one that will solve your problem and read the
instructions carefully. Check the ingredients in it carefully. Check for
ingredients like pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, ketoconazole, and selenium
sulfide. These ingredients help fight itchy skin and reduce dandruff in your
Use a good conditioner
Conditioner provides good
moisture to the scalp and does not dry out the scalp. After finding the right
shampoo for your hair, you need the right conditioner. Medicated shampoos
contain salicylic acid to help your hair dry properly.
Avoid damaging hair products
We all love to style our
hair by coloring it or using straighteners and curlers, right? True, but the
products used for it are very damaging to the hair. These products often
contain ingredients that can harm your sensitive scalp. Apart from this, natural
and artificial fragrances also cause dandruff. Most importantly, bleaching hair
is the worst. Styling your hair for some event is never wrong but it is equally
important that you take proper care of your hair without using harmful
Management of stress
Stress does not actually
cause dandruff but your immune system is weakened by stress. This affects your
eating habits and the same naturally affects your skin, body and hair. All this
makes your scalp more sensitive and prone to fungus naturally. So find out what
exactly are the solutions to keep you calm. You can take time off from your
regular routine, go on a picnic, have a spa day. Listen to good music or watch
a movie or go to yoga. A healthy lifestyle is most important for healthy hair
and skin.
Use coconut oil
If you have dandruff, it is
never advisable to massage your hair with oil. Due to this, dandruff grows
more. But coconut oil is different. Use coconut oil on your scalp and you will
feel the difference yourself. Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties so coconut
oil works well to moisturize your scalp. The antifungal properties of coconut
oil are similar to those found in Anti-dandruff
Like many medicated
anti-dandruff shampoos, aspirin contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps
the skin heal from this, making it easier to get rid of dandruff. Crush two
aspirin tablets. Mix this powder with your regular shampoo every time you wash
your head. Leave this mixture on your hair for five minutes and then wash your
hair once again with a simple shampoo.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is indeed
perfect for improving the quality of your hair and reducing dandruff. You can
also use this oil alone and let it dry for about 5 minutes. Then you should
wash your hair with your shampoo. You can also mix this tea tree oil in your
shampoo and apply it to your hair. By doing this, your hair will show good
Baking soda
Baking soda works a kind of
magic on hair. You can use baking soda alone or mix it with another product.
Baking soda reduces the amount of fungus that causes dandruff. Wet your hair
with water and then apply baking soda to your scalp. Then wash your hair after
ten minutes. Do not shampoo your hair immediately, after washing your hair. let
your hair stay the same for a while and you will no longer feel dandruff in
your hair.
Curd is a very effective
remedy for dandruff. Curd is a good source of probiotics and is therefore an
ideal remedy for dandruff. Wash your hair with shampoo. After that put curd on
it and keep it for 15 minutes. After that wash your hair once again with a
little shampoo. You can also leave it on for an hour before showering for a
8. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is the best
remedy for dandruff. Coconut oil is used to hydrate the skin and care for dry
skin. Massage your hair with coconut oil before shampooing. Coconut oil should
be left in the hair for at least an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo. You
can also use coconut oil anti dandruff shampoo.
The lemon helps you to
balance the pH level in your scalp which also prevents dandruff. Massage your
scalp with three teaspoons of lemon juice and then rinse your hair with water.
Do not apply conditioner at all. Do this process twice a week.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The vinegar helps to remove
dead skin cells from the scalp. The pH in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce
the fungus on the scalp and is said to help prevent dandruff. Mix a little
apple cider vinegar with a cup of water in a spray bottle and spray it on your
scalp. Wrap your head with a towel and let it sit for about 15 minutes to an
hour and then wash your hair. Do this twice a week.
Mouthwash contains anti-dandruff anti-fungal
ingredients that reduce dandruff. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo
followed by mouthwash. Then wash your hair with conditioner.
Lemon leaves
Everyone knows that lemon
leaves have many medicinal properties. It also contains an anti-microbial anti-dandruff agents. Take 5-6 lemon
leaves and make a thick paste of it in a mixer. Apply this paste to your hair
and leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash your hair with water.
Orange Peel Pack
Orange peel pack contains
acidic ingredients that help in removing excess oil from the hair and due to
the reduction of oil, it also helps in reducing dandruff in your hair. Make a
paste of orange peel in a mixer and apply it on your hair scalp and apply this
paste and sit for about half an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo and
avoid using conditioner.
Salt plays an important role
in removing dandruff before you shampoo your hair. If you have dry scalp, massage
your hair with salt. Then wash your hair with shampoo and use conditioner. You
can follow this method twice a week.
Aloe vera
You can use aloe vera
directly on your skin or use it in your face packs. Aloe vera works like a
magic for your skin and your scalp. The antibacterial and antifungal properties
of aloe vera help protect your hair from dandruff. If you have an itchy scalp,
this is the best remedy. Apply the juice of aloe vera on your scalp and leave
it for about 15 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo.
Garlic is an excellent
remedy for dandruff-causing microbes. Antifungal ingredients in it work well.
Crush the garlic using a pestle and make a paste. Apply this paste to your
scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes. As garlic has a very pungent smell, mix it
with two teaspoons of honey and apply it on your hair. After that, apply
shampoo and wash your hair with water.
Olive oil
Olive oil is an excellent
remedy for dandruff. Olive oil helps in treating dandruff in two ways. Firstly,
olive oil moisturizes the dry areas of the scalp well and secondly, olive oil
helps to absorb the dryness of the scaly areas to get rid of the dandruff problems.
This causes more dandruff to fall off than different dandruff flakes. Apply
olive oil to your hair ten minutes before washing your hair.
Cedarwood Oil
Cedarwood oil has
anti-seborrheic properties to control dandruff and other scalp conditions. Mix
cypress essential oil, juniper essential oil and carrier oil in cedarwood oil.
Apply this mixture on your scalp and let it dry for an hour. Then wash your
hair with shampoo and warm water. Also, add a cup of water to this mixture and
wash your hair once again by applying the mixture.
Green tea
Green tea also has
antifungal properties. Antioxidant polyphenols help keep your scalp healthy and
fight dandruff. Soak two green tea bags in hot water. After that let the water
cool down and then apply the water to the hair. Then apply shampoo and wash
your hair.
Fish oil
Omega-3 fatty acids play an
important role in our body. Omega-3 also relieves symptoms of dandruff and
other ailments. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. Its anti-inflammatory
properties help in treating dandruff and dry scalp. You can also take fish oil
capsules to get rid of your dandruff. However, it is not advisable to take more
than two capsules in a day.
Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Himalaya Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
When it comes to herbal
products, there is no other product as trusted as Himalaya. Their anti-dandruff
shampoo is very beneficial to get rid of dandruff and clear the scalp. This
shampoo is 100% herbal and completely suitable for hair.
Head and Shoulders Smooth and Silky Shampoo
Head & Shoulders Smooth
& Silky Anti-Dandruff Shampoo helps to make your hair softer and
moisturizes the hair. This shampoo helps to do two hands with your dandruff.
Also, this shampoo helps to keep your hair silky.
L'Oreal Fall Resist Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
If you want a good product
for your hair then, of course, L'Oreal is a good brand with great results.
L'Oreal Fall Resist Anti-Dandruff Shampoo helps prevent breakage by keeping
your roots strong and thus preventing dandruff.
Patanjali Anti – Dandruff Shampoo – Kesh Kanti Hair Cleanser
Patanjali products are now
available in all variants and now they have even made anti-dandruff shampoo
that protects you from dandruff. It also increases the strength of the roots.
The Body Shop Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
You can get rid of your
dandruff by using this fresh and different shampoo from The Body Shop.
Formulated with ginger extract, birch tree extract and white willow tree
extract, and community trade honey from Ethiopia, this shampoo is an excellent
remedy for dandruff.
Biotique Bio Margosa Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Biotic's Bio Margosa
Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner is a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner
and is a great treatment for dandruff caused by dry flaky skin.
7. Dove Dandruff Care Shampoo
Dove Dandruff Care Shampoo
helps to get rid of dandruff and helps to moisturize the skin to get rid of dry
skin. This makes your hair soft, smooth, and dandruff free.
Neem Aloe Vera Anti-Dandruff
Khadi Neem Aloe Vera Herbal
Cleanser protects you from dandruff, a flaky scalp, and protects you from
dandruff. Also, this shampoo helps to control your dry hair and hair loss.